trouble-bot I know who I’m dealing with.

ya, no way republicans could’ve waged a 15 year media war against hil clinton to make dumb idiots who get swayed by media reports (large portion of america, especially dumb idiots like you) change their opinions about someone

Like, as you say, campaigning in the marginal rustbelt states rather than focusing on those states that are already slamdunks?

That’s what’s so weird about Trump. He’s dumb. In the most classical sense, he’s an idiot. Yet he somehow has managed to swindle literally billions of dollars out of millions of people who are smarter than he is and absolutely should know better. 

I think she overestimated the intelligence of the average Trump voter. If you’re not an obscenely wealthy white man, voting for Trump is fucking stupid. It’s as low-IQ, purposely dense an action as one can take, politically speaking. People believed Trump not because what he said was believable, not because they

That’s what made me so crazy. Hillary more or less said, “I’m going to future-proof your lives, lead you deeper into the 21st century, and help you earn an honest living in a way that will serve you best.” Trump basically said, “Fuck that nerd. I’m gonna keep you on the exact same path to obsolescence you’ve been on.

Drumpf is not the president we need but the president we deserve.

I’m not going to say those people don’t matter, but the reality of the electoral college is that they say those people matter more than people in urban areas. Because we give 2 automatic votes for every senator in a state, the per person power of a Wyoming voter is three times greater than that of a voter in

Do you want to have an honest comparison of the two or do you just want to say your piece and be done with it?

meanwhile hillary had an actual plan for factory chuds to learn tech-based skills and whatnot, but that would require them to actually... try and learn something - unlike they ever had to do in their pointless lives.

To be fair “Murr, blacks” isn’t actually proposal.

Oh shut the fuck up. Nothing Hillary could have done would have made a difference because she and Trump were playing two entirely different games. She was playing politics and he was flat out lying.

I think Broaddrick’s claim about Bill Clinton is credible, but her claim that Hillary knew about it and intimidated her is not. She talks about Hillary’s “angry look” and “grabbing her arm” in the quoted article, but this is what she said in 1999:

Stein voters, Bernie Bros, Trump voters are all cut from the same cloth - what I want and what benefits me is the simple solution to fixing everything and f*ck everyone else. Anyone who dares suggest the world is complicated, solutions must be implemented with care and listening to other people - will slandered and

“Equality can feel like oppression to the privileged.”

Tell men that a single room at a single event is off limits to them for a couple of hours and it’s a war crime to be tried at the Hague. Implement and nourish a work culture openly hostile for over a decade and “ThaT’S JuSt VieDEo GamES BRo”

My discomfort is more important than your dignity”

Turns out, humans are capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time.

How is this show different from every other TV show or movie that depicts only thin young women as worthy of love? Because it actually shows the cruelty aimed at fat people, instead of ignoring them altogether?

Don’t worry. Brewers tix are still available, Sour Shithead.