
Remarkably stupid blog post, you’re welcome.

I ordered 9 things on amazon this weekend and i hope my city wins the amazon 2nd HQ. The biggest employer here pays no local property tax and was incentivized to build here. Then it brought 20k professional jobs to the area. This town has gone through a massive boom because of them and its a great city.

Hell yeah! Kima Greggs, GET MORE ROLES. Sonja Sohn was incredible in The Wire. More roles for her!!!

Wilson and Al were the highlights for me, personally. Allen’s shtick wore thin, even when I was a kid.

Ummm, “While Eichenwald was able to get the FBI to swoop in on this case, online threats against women continue to go unanswered.” Are you trying to get some? You’re not wrong but why is this one singular sentence shoehorned onto the end of the story? Realistically the subject of deserves it’s own story because how

Well threats against women are not acceptable either but in this particular case it wasn’t just a threat but also an actual attack. They may not have stood outside the mans house with a club and whacked him when he came home but knowing that the man suffers from a potentially dangerous condition and actively trying to

You’d think people would stop blaming victims WTF?

You cast any of those people and you may as well just go shoot the damn movie in your back yard on an iPhone. But I guess if having an asain actress is more important than the movie not looking like absolute ass because no big studio is willing to put the first cent behind it then, sure, you can cast half of Tokyo and

Pod save America?

I guess polished = robotic, now?

Thank you. That pissed me off.


Yeah... this is how the Left eats itself....

Yeah, nominally, it was because of what I said. But, really, it’s because people like Linda Sarsour was so far up Bernie’s ass (and talked so nastily about Clinton during the primaries) that there is no way they all could have agreed to her being featured. But, that’s a discussion for another day.

Yeeeeah, I think we’ve got a little selective alternative memory going on here...... I also seem to recall they didn’t want her.

It’s almost a more powerful message in doing it via video- she’s now a phantom like reminder to Trump that she won the popular vote and a not-so-subtle message to her supporters that she’s part of the #resistance too.

It was snidely noted by some that Clinton did not make an appearance at the Women’s March, though her former opponent Bernie Sanders did.

also, 100% correct on it being wise for her to watch from home. If she’d attended, all hell would have broken loose politically and it would have hurt the cause. Additionally, I don’t doubt that any number of psychos would have tried to take her out and caused a ton of collateral damage... #cynicism