
I want someone from the Trump administration to have to explain in court (maybe during wrongful termination suit) how the NPS tweets are in any way inflammatory towards the president when they seem to be simple statements of facts.

No, it’s not. We offer the best policies for blue collar workers, across the board. The ones that vote against that just to register how much they hate foreigners are not the ones we need to be trying to retain. We need to appeal to independents, and try to turn out the vote among younger voters, instead of

This post comes across as petty, mean-spirited, and ill-informed, IMO.

We’ve had literally zero Races, Events, or even test sessions without Audi Joest there and yet I already have this empty feeling. I’ve been a fan of the Porsche team for a while but I’m sure as hell going to miss them.

Remember, Hillary wasn’t liberal enough. Either we want the perfect candidate or just blow it all to hell, apparently.

Weird. I don’t see you here much. Did this article get cross-posted to Gizmodo? And you’re very free to think what you want. Still doesn’t get rid of the fact that he blatantly lied.

Hillary still won the popular vote, so I don’t know what you’re complaining about. If you want to blame something, blame the archaic Electoral College. That thing needs to be gotten rid of.

LOL, your comment is a temper tantrum.

I can put up with 8 years of people bitching about Obama, but you’re too chickenshit to put up only with 2 weeks?

It wasn’t rigged, people voted, he lost. I voted for Bernie.

Not scolding you, just telling you to shut the fuck up. No one wants to hear from you.

You’re really great at redirection and ignoring the point.

Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!

White guys: Hillary Clinton sucked, that’s why we lost.

JFC, people. However you voted in the primary, it’s time to get over it. Going into insane hero-worship mode over politicians does not help us. Neither of them was even close to perfect. Let it go; this is a time when we really need to have our wits about us.

He still is all of those things and we still don’t like him.

I think that we should all agree that the only person in the Democratic Party who talked about running who actually would have beaten Trump was Joe Biden. Joe Biden would have fucking annihilated Donald Trump.

F$&@, Bernie. He couldn’t get on his knees fast enough nor get Trump’s pants down fast enough before he was offering his full-throated support.

After he spent the entire campaign season promising to be a liberal thorn in Hillary Clinton’s side while viciously subtweeting the DNC, a tone deaf white guy who couldn’t even stay in the Democratic Party until the end of the convention but still feels entitled to direct its future is the ass-last person I’m in any

on a sidenote: So someone got mad at me over on the piece about the Louisiana congress seat since i’m a grammar nitpick about plurality vs majority.
any chance i can get ungrayed again?

I have never been disrepectful in any of my posts here or on any of the other Jezebel sites, I simply strive for all people to use the