
I’m very disappointed with Bernie’s responses and nearly broke my tv and remote the other morning when Michael Moore was going on about poor misunderstood white men.

Yeah I am really goddamn done with the Bernie Bros.

She lied?

Everyone hates? Just be a little cautious about projecting; I’ve met plenty of people who were quite enthusiastic about voting for Hillary, and going into the election WaPo had a poll showing that a far greater percentage of supporters were voting “for” her than Trump’s supporters were voting “for” him.

It’s time to stop obsessing over the Clintons. I realize hating the Clintons is a favorite hobby of the left and the right, but it’s time to move on and hate on some other female democrat who gets to “uppity”.

Because human nature is to get defensive and double down on bad behavior when getting yelled at, regardless if what you are doing is legitimately dangerous. And the constant undermining and lack of support from the Bernie Bros was exactly as dangerous as predicted. We needed party unity and enthusiasm after the

Not everyone hates her. Millions of people were very enthusiastic about her. Dismissing that enthusiasm says something about you, not her.

You forgot one, in an attempt to appear unbiased, there was an inordinate amount of media coverage on her emails. Several journalists came out against this, and I saw a study that concluded that more media coverage was dedicated to that than to anything else about her. The logic being that if 80% of Trump coverage was

Unlike Hillary, he at least was liked and respected.

I don’t take heart in the thought of the party being taken over by Bernie supporters, because he would have done even worse than she did in a general election.

“We ran a candidate whom everyone hates...” is untrue, but I’ve decided that the Dems should choose their next candidate SOLELY on the basis of “is s/he likeable?” because that’s obviously the most important factor to voters. Someone needs to buy the domains and

Yeah, with the benefit of hindsight, it really seems like there was more going on than the FBI’s 11th hour bullshittery. The polls went down, but the polls still had her with a solid lead, which turned out to be illusion.

But she didn’t lay all the blame on him. It was 30 minute phone call that got into ALL the reasons she lost. In fact, that is exactly what the lifted quote says.

I love Hillary, I voted for her without reservations, I cried when she lost.

Certainly there is oppression of women in the world, and plenty of examples exist in Muslim countries and in Saudi Arabia particularly. Those things should be addressed, but how does that negate this girl’s achievement? What exactly was your point? What were you trying to convince your audience of?

To be totally honest, I do blame Bernie for poisoning young people towards Clinton.

But mostly, fuck you and fuck your fucking misogyny.

No, fuck you for pushing that “both cadidates are bad” nonsense. That’s why we’re in this situation.

NO. Sorry, but no. This is not Hillary Clintons fault. This is the fault of the people who voted for Donald Trump in spite of every monstrous thing he’s said and done for the past 50 years, and of anyone who didn’t take it seriously or thought it couldn’t happen. This is the fault of anyone who doesn’t know shit about