
If you enjoyed voting for Obama and have even remotely approved of his administration, then you should feel the same way about voting for Clinton.

Granted I usually live under a rock and am actively trying to avoid a lot of the election coverage (b/c it’s more a circus than honest journalism), but these alleged “feminists” saying we need to elect Hillary b/c she’s a woman - I could swear this is mostly a strawwoman cooked up by Bernie and the RNC or trolls just

So, uh, do you think the GOP will be all smacking their heads and saying, “Yes we absolutely should have hearings on Garland after all because, reasons..” now? Or will they continue to ostrich and we can get ourselves another RBG in 2017?

Not to mention their well over 90% identical voting records.

As a Bernie supporter who will be happy to vote for Hillary, I suggest you remind them that (before things got acrimonious between them), Hillary and Bernie both said during the early debates that they agreed on most things even though they did have a few fundamental differences.

I can only imagine. Tonight is a good night. :)

Exactly. She earned my vote for other reasons, but I am totally, crazy stoked that a woman is the nominee!! This is historic - a huge moment - and nobody is going to make me feel bad about being excited!

Took my almost 4 year old with me today. She helped me feed the ballot into the machine and I explained that I was happy to vote for a women to be in charge of the country.

Thank you so much for saying this Lauren. A lot of people I care about are Bernie supporters. I get that it’s going to be a disappointment for Bernie supporters. I really do and I respect that. But please for the love of all that’s holy, if you actually care about a progressive agenda, don’t let that that

I look forward to equal pay for equal work and absolute reproductive freedom within my lifetime. I couldn’t say that yesterday.

Whenever I think of Hillary Clinton I think of this quote from an anonymous White House staffer during Bill Clinton’s presidency, as quoted in Newsweek. They asked him (I assume the staffer was a him, I don’t remember if they specified the gender) what he thought of the Clintons and he answered “Him? Meh. Her? I’d

Amen and well put. As a woman, I don’t think I fully understood how much I needed to see that until I saw her up there

It’s normal to get upset when your candidate comes a bit short. I promised myself that I won’t get annoyed at the Bernie supporters too quickly.

I made a comment about her releasing the Kraken on Trump. The Kraken being ELizabeth Warren.

Hey maybe the upside of this Kinja Klusterfuck is that we might get fewer of those replies.

I cried.

Her speech, with its references to Seneca Falls and all the history that came before, was in perfect tune.

I had a nice glass of wine and cried some happy tears during that speech. It’s a nice night!

I’m waiting for someone else to say Yay, Hillary! so that they can shoulder the brunt of the anger and conspiracy theories.

I enjoyed her speech and thought the delivery was great. I’m beyond fucking excited to see her smash Drumpf into the ground. Boy, bye.