
“many people view HRC as only slightly left of the GOP”
These “people” clearly have not spent a lot of time looking at the two parties or the candidates.

When you think about how many people now regret voting for him you gotta think he trails by even more... At this point he just seems like a jerk who would rather risk giving us Trump than call it a day.

Either way you don’t get to change the rules in the middle of the game because you don’t like them. There is a process for making changes to the nomination process and whining “it’s not fair” is not the way.

Agreed. I’m really starting to regret voting for him.

Agree 100%

I want to star like six different points in this post.

I will never be a Clinton fan and I voted for Bernie in the state primary. That said, Bernie,

Unclear leader. Bitter convention battle. Failure to come together. Splintering party. Opportunities to fight the real threat are lost while infighting distracts. The other candidate pulls ahead.

Since other’s have correctly pointed out how wrong you are, I’ll just troll a bit. More people die annually installing solar panels in California than have died in the history of the US nuclear power program.

Why is this crazy-assed comment the very first one? That's the real concern?

Did you read this? Or just head right to the comments in a lame attempt to be first and make yourself look smart?

IF that was the case, Maddie wouldn’t be able to post any articles!

Initiate countdown to the nuclear fearmongers conflating nuclear weapons and nuclear energy technologies, and ignoring relevant studies from groups like the WHO and the WNO in favor of caving to their fear of what they are unable to understand.

Was going to attempt to educate, then realized the other replies said what needed to be said. Use facts not emotion, and educate yourself...

Of course they were purged. Voter rolls have to be purged in a city of 8 million people. The notion that this is some sinister anti-Bernie cabal is nonsense, it’s just bureaucracy. All five boroughs of NYC went hard for Hillary; if there’s some sinister purge of NYC voters, it hurts her more than it hurts him.

Anyone glowing over there yet? We’re still good over here in North Richland ;)

Kennewick checking in.

I’ve worked as a reactor operator at a commercial nuclear power plant (i.e. electrical power generation, not weapons fuel production) for years. As an industry, we are perhaps the most heavily regulated business venture in existence. The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission is responsible for ensuring that we operate our

As a Richland native and resident, thank you.

Well put! I learned all about the issues at Hanford during my Geology studies at CWU and my first reaction after reading this was that it sounds like the same old shit that’s been going on for a very long time.