
Dolores Huerta is a woman of color I admire.

So you admit that he voted in support of the same bill?

Yes that one. The one written by Joe Biden. They can all lie down in the beds they made for that one.

They refuse to address real issues about Sanders. An interview where he failed to detail a major portion of his platform was written up as a subway joke.

Because the other democratic candidate voted in support of the same bill?

That Crime Bill that Bernie voted for?

So, 15 years or so ago?

You do realize that Bill Clinton was one president who served two terms in the 1990s, correct? And that halfway through his first term Republicans took over the Congress? And literally never let it go since except for the first two years of Obama’s term? And that in the last 50 years there have been a total of four

Seriously. And Bernies refusal to help raise money for down ballot dems while still seeking the nomination of the party he shits all over at every opportunity is the biggest reason I think he's a fucking douche bag. If he were so goddam idealistic he'd be running as an Independent. He wants the microphone and stage

Are you having an aneurysm ?

Right?!? It’s painfully stupid as a claim.

Good damn shit right? Jeebus fucknuts! I was sent an invite to this event, and it’s not like I have $175K just wasting time in my bank. I was also sent a register to win to go to this. I honestly had other plans.

The Democratic base is voting overwhelmingly for Hillary in the primaries, so what makes you think we will not turn out for her in the general?

You sound fun.

I agree. I appreciated that he wants to highlight the injustices of the world, but he seems to want to ignore how the world actually works. Like he wouldn’t do the same fundraiser if given the chance. He’s so fucking high on his own message that he’s starting to come across as an egoist. Its exhausting.

I just donated 25 to Hill after reading the comments here. Fuck sanders and his campaign. I used to (at the very least) respect him. Not anymore.

Inspired me to donate as well...

God damn. Sanders is quickly losing any goodwill he ever had with me. What a fucking asshole. Private citizens raising money for you is okay because they are poor people? Clooney is raising money for down ballot candidates. Something Bernie hasn’t bothered to worry about because Bernie only cares about Bernie.

I think its obscene that Sanders is bankrolling a losing campaign on the backs of the working poor.