
Well, I mean coal in and of itself isn’t releasing radiation, as opposed to plutonium which is radioactive. But yeah, the process of coal burning is horrendous.

You’re skipping all the rest of the world’s coal mine deaths.

Coal plants do release radiation. In fact, a correctly working coal plant releases -more- radiation into the environment than a correctly working nuclear plant.

But nuclear power is the evil one, right?

Most of the accidents could have been prevented had stuff been maintained. These facilities constantly eat themselves up, equipment has to be replaced constantly. Imagine if the US allowed a new reactor with modern technology. I got to tour one last year as an electrical engineer, and let me tell you that their

How many people are killed in coal mining accidents?

There seems to be a correlation between volume and stupidity.

Damnit, I was going to say the exact same thing. Nevermind that coal power kills more people due to pollution and coal mining than nuclear power ever has (including any and all accidents).

came here to say this. ask them what nuclear energy is.

Most people are also stupid.

Most Americans are also stupid

I concur fully. Clinton is an admirable woman, a political force to be reckoned with, and a hell of a leader. I will happily and without reservation vote for her should she earn the Democratic nomination.

It’s not a moot point, it’s indicative of potential leadership in the future. Hillary took a “moderate” stance on immigration in the mid-1990s (still calling for a path to citizenship but with stricter border control), and “evolved” on immigration by 2000. That’s 16 years ago. And even in the moments people criticize

I agree with this in a very real, palpable, serious way.

I wanted Hillary to cite the oft used quote “don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good”, because I feel like Bernie Sanders sometimes gets in the way of progress in the name of ideology.

Sure, so isn’t that an argument for RESTRUCTURING the Import-Export Bank, not scrapping it entirely?

I voted for the cantankerous elderly lady because the cantankerous elderly gentleman seems like kind of a doofus but they’re both cool.

Why does everyone blame everything in Clinton? She is not responsible for everything that happened in past.

I wish just one time she would turn to him and say 'So what you are saying, Bernie, is that everyone but you is a corrupt tool of Wall Street?"