
Last week I was at my in-laws house for the day, and I needed to drop a deuce. The bathroom upstairs is long and narrow, with the toilet at the far end facing the wall with only a little more than a foot of clearence. Recently, they chose narrow vertical striped wallpaper. When i sat down I tried to focus on the

@mykola: And how exactly do you think it ended up that way? Coincidence?

@XTOTHEL: It could be something like that, I used to hang dry clothes sometimes when I lived in Western Washington and they always dried nice and soft, but when I dry them in Idaho with our crappy well water, they dry like planks of wood. And they smell funny.

@ChaiLatte: Pfft, that's an every day occurrence in my life. They just might not realize it.

@Chrysocolla: Our neighbors named all their dogs after presidents they admired. When they got a dog that turned out to be a bit of a "bad seed" they renamed him Nixon.

@valgerth: He never argued that it wasn't illegal or that they didn't have the right to do it, just that it's a stupid move and they're shooting themselves in the foot by deciding to make accessing the content more difficult and costly.

@Aaron Martin: With the recent goings on, even blurring out internal IPs is probably a good idea!

@Ted: Awesome, thanks for the tips!

@Se7en_speed: Not sure I'd suggest eating it though, who knows what delicious toxins were introduced.

@TheClap: That's what I'm buying one for.

@MrHaroHaro: Wow, that girl had a long period.

@otherginger: Which, I assume, means you get neither?

@SALVATlON: If you're doing that slow of a pan I imagine there's going to be some timelapse involved, which isn't recorded-audio friendly in my experience.

@ddmeightball: I -believe- the apps are tied to your Google account, and will transfer over. I think you might actually be able to use the same app on multiple devices if they're all synced to the same account.

Does this not work with Google Apps accounts?

@jpaugh: Which level? Tons of walkthrough videos on the Youtubes.

@Hel M.: No worries, my mom taught me how to be, and my dad taught me how to NOT be. I got a complete education!

"Why do you call yourselves white? You look more pink than white."

I see your Fear in a can and counter with No Fear in a can!