
@showbiz2: Same here, I live in a smallish town in Idaho and a lot of the things that Amazon has for cheap is more expensive or just plain unavailable here without driving an hour and a half round trip. I've been a Prime member for years and don't pay taxes on items shipped to Idaho, so unless I need an item

@Flackette Goes Retro: My father-in-law DID invite his boss and a bunch of other people from work that neither my wife or I had even heard of. Luckily they were all classy enough (or didn't care enough) that they opted not to come.

@RickaMayCry: I live in a pretty farm-y area, and whenever I hear someone mention combines (as in the big harvesters) I get images of those guys stalking through the fields near our house. It is quite creepy.

$450 for a sleekly designed "air multiplier" and you still get a big black ugly power cord stretched across your floor.

@jayme1: When I hear that I usually assume they're talking historically, as black iPhones have historically outsold their white counterparts. But if that's what they mean, it's poorly worded.

@eien: I certainly don't despise them, I work with a group of officers that I greatly admire and appreciate. But if you look at the attitudes of many people (hey, like those two who commented before you, perhaps), there's a lot of cop-hate going around. Maybe it's not entirely universal, but I see so god damn much

I don't think there's anything wrong with filming the police as a citizen, though I definitely understand why a lot of officers aren't thrilled by it. Who wants to be filmed while at work and dealing with difficult situations, especially when you work in such a universally-despised role?

@Kaostick: I know, I like to hear myself type.

@Mark 2000: The foam itself is orange...?

@bmart008: I'm pretty sure that was intentional, but I agree, I don't like how it looks.

@Kaostick: Except that's 600 pounds of unnecessary paint you have to haul uphill, not to mention the fact that they've spent so much time and money the past several years trying to fix the foam problem. I don't think "Yeah, let's toss some paint on there and see what happens" would be a popular statement.

It's worth a chuckle, but I think it would be more newsworthy if the pictures were taken with a Powershot.

@minibeardeath: I think there's a difference between being a fan, and being a fangirl/fanboy. One is a perfectly normal expression of an appreciation for something, the other is a mental disorder.

@EljhHck: You guys have some awesome storms, I'm mega jealous. I was flying out of St. Louis to DFW in early November 2005, there were a series of massive thunderstorms rolling through at the time, and after several delays our plane (a smaller Embraer jet) finally got off the ground in between two storms. The one

@Teslanaut: I'm tempted to try it, but I don't like being a dick.

You might want to add that little note about the pre-4.0 backup somewhere up the page, in case someone decides to give this a shot without reading all the way through first. That could be a pretty big problem.

@jizMondo: My old roommate once told me, while we were working out our personal budgets and bills and everything, that he only spent $100-150 a month on food. I pointed out that he'd just spent $15 on dinner the night before and did that fairly regularly, but he still insisted that it was only $150 a month for food.

@leavethegun-takethecannoli: The probationers I've dealt with are pretty clever, but not THAT clever. Tip of the hat to you.

@leavethegun-takethecannoli: 200 yards? You've got it easy. I set up an EM system last week and the PO had me lock it down to 25 yards. That guy can barely go look out his window.