
@Bluecold: Oh my god, you're my hero. I've been rocking a GH1 since February and been hoping someone somewhere would make the firmware modifiable. As of a few weeks ago I'd heard nothing on it.

@devianaut: The weird thing, for me, is Objectified was playing on my second monitor when this post came up, and I was all excited, then disappointed, then excited again, then saddened by the fact that I had any emotional reaction at all, and then saddened even more that my emotional reaction triggered even more

"Unauthorized modification of iPhone OS has been a major source of instability, disruption of services, and other issues."

@reynwrap582: Hate forgetting I can't use the greater-than/less-than signs here. I'm a schmuck.

@Atsumi: I'm sorta pleased with the option. I looked over both mine and my wife's data usage, and saw that my wife never went above 80MB a month and I never went above 160MB, unless I was on vacation. Switched us both to the 200MB plan and will be saving $30 a month (plus another $10 for switching to the 550 minute

@minibeardeath: I'm honestly surprised that at least 2/3rds of the time I bring it up with someone the response is either "What underwater oil leak?" or "Oh, is that still going on? I thought it was fixed already." :\

@Greenspanner-in-the-Works: My 24-year-old wife was perfectly healthy until the day she was diagnosed with cancer. Even with her insurance, we're looking at $10,000 to $15,000 out of pocket, but that beats the near $100K it would cost without insurance... Sooo, yeah, maybe most people won't get cancer at 24, but

@orphanjannie: One of my favorite lines from any movie ever. I've adapted it, as well, for when I'm taking a shower. "Shampoo for my real friends, real poo for my sham friends."

@ITLawMan: iOS 4 is in prerelease too, sooooo... :p

@repenny: Putting "real" in front of anything usually gives me a sour taste in my mouth... Real Patriot, Real Christian, Real etc... It's all crap...

@Deanb: Correct. I work in juvenile probation and we put kids on electronic monitoring all the time. The bracelet has a wide strap that has wires embedded in it that will trigger an alert if severed. In fact, some of the blocks on newer models even detect the body temperature or pulse of the person wearing the

@xMechelle: I don't know any of the details behind this painting, but the man second from the left (standing) appears to have significantly darker skin than the others.

@ChoirGrrl: I was thinking auto-erotic asphyxiation, but I hadn't gotten that far into it.

I always thought the white dress thing was just a marketing deal, where they know you'll never be able to sell the dress to someone else because of the inevitable food/beverage stain you'll get right in the most noticeable spot, which might not be so obvious with a dress of a more vibrant color.

@wicketr: I actually use GoDaddy for several simple sites and file hosting. It does the job, but no, I wouldn't actually recommend them.

@JohnnyricoMC: Dropbox includes a public folder that you can use to share any file through http. You can put up to 2GB on a free account in there so it's ideal for sharing files or running a small site. Just forward a domain to it and you've got a full blown website and never have to deal with FTP or any of that,

@Atomic B: If only I could promote comments. Well said.

@OldEnough2BYourMama: TCOT = top conservatives on twitter, or something.. FTRS, no idea... Probably Fred Thompson something something... really stupid, maybe? I could probably google it, but I think my computer has had enough of that guy for one day...