Trollsniffer Cyberservices Inc.

gotta GIVE to GET

This is some primo trolling,

MAYBE they need to “ask” for help

stupid, poor, dumb, field bitch

let me guess:

but all tomatoe are crushed as Equals

I love Deadspin. I read it every day. I follow Deadspin on Twitter and am involved in several Deadspin-related Facebook groups. I’ve been here since it started. I love it.

Twitter is complete and total garbage. You have any idea how many 5k+ follower accounts I’ve created and deleted? Total waste of time. And even with the character expansion it’s still too short. Only those without brain use micro-blogging nonsense. Kinja could be so much more than it is, but sadly management has -

You’re finishing up your day at work. Another long one. The last two years have been complete hell. All you wanted to do was help secure America by enforcing the laws we’ve already got in the books. Growing up you didn’t care about money, you just wanted to do the right thing. Make your parents proud. There was

iirc it was claimed that women couldn’t play even the female roles in Noh theatre in part because by being women their ability to “act” as women was compromised whereas the men who specialised in such roles could achieve a more perfect portrayal because for them it was entirely a matter of their skill, which they

Oh look, a troll who has problems with English homonyms.  Weird. 

There’s more than one troll. There’s also one troll with more than one account.


Thank you Trollsniffer Cyberservices Inc. The good news is they suck at their jobs, a small consolation. Goodbye.

No, it’s worse. And it’s worse than the internment camps during WWII. Anyone who knows anything about what is actually happening on the border knows this. Imagine fleeing persecution only to find worse persecution.

No, that’s not correct. I respect that you see it that way, but that’s objectively and literally not what she is doing. She knows what she is doing and she is doing it on purpose. She is using Trumpian agitation tactics to score rhetorical goals on those she views as enemies.

Oh right right I remember that guy.  He always said I was “without brain.”

“with 51 points on 59 percent shooting”

Bernie Cons: