
Fair! I, too, want nothing more than his utter and abject misery and humiliation. I just think that his worldview is completely immune. It will never be his fault, just like he’s never lied.

That’s called pulling a romney.... The video of the romney family in the hotel FINALLY realizing Rove and his ilk were actually wrong and the polls were not skewed and they just got their asses handed to them was.......delicious.

Nothing is original, everything has been said before, whatever you think has been thought by someone, you are someone else’s thoughts.......there is NO plagiarism!!!!!

Repubs gettin’ existential on yo’ ass!!!

Thoreau/Trump 20__ !!!!

You can be on your kid’s side and not make excuses for their inexcusable behavior.

“and that he will “never be his happy go lucky self [sic]” again.”

I’d be curious how many of the people who partook of the Ice Bucket Challenge in 2014 donated money to ALS charities in 2016.

Let’s be honest here. Gawker did some things that were questionably moral...the Conde Nast outing in particular had me furious (especially when it kept dominating the left bar). The whole idea that somebody can have their life disrupted tremendously ‘just because their famous’ is something that a lot of us firmly

How dare he be entitled to his own opinions, right?

Trying to drag Facebook into it now? Gawker, while I’m mostly indifferent to the court ruling with Hogan, this shit is getting out of hand. We get it, you are getting burned by someone who doesn’t like you because of a personal vendetta. Responding by trying to smear Thiel and everyone associated with him makes you

They aren’t standing with him. They’re saying that what Directors do (legally), on their time and on their dime, is none of FB’s concern. That’s not a terribly novel position to take.

You fucking, stupid, careless asshole. Usually? Usually?

Is that like what Hillary is accused of?

She’s a piece of shit. The woman stood by while her husband ruined the lives of an endless stream of his victims. Special place in hell for her.

Hef used viagra from what I understand.Why would he require Holly’s additional ministrations? He was eighty-something; he ain't going all night.

Thank you for giving me hope. I have never heard such a reasonable (and uncomfortable with the government!) stance from someone who identifies as pro life. No joke. I’m glad you posted.

Totally. As a former pro-life activist (in the 80s & 90s), I can tell you that they DO care about the baby. But most of them, as you say, about it more in spirit or theory than in action. MOST of them aren’t in touch with the “Why”. The vast majority of the loud people you see on TV and in the news are just parroting

I’m not derailing anything, and I’m allowed to have whatever conversation I want in a comments section, thanks very much. In fact the conversation I was attempting, which was about the fact that it was interesting for a mother to conceive of this violation in terms of what her son deserves (now that he’s been born),

she wouldn’t necessarily have chosen abortion had she gone to a different kind of clinic. pro-choice clinics not only provide abortion services, but have a social worker on hand to help these women navigate the world (including helping obtain public benefits, jobs, etc.). i think the big focus is on the “disappearing”

Because once you bring an actual living human being into the world, a lot of people have a problem with giving them up to strangers.

“My son deserved to have a situation where he didn’t have to worry about his mother struggling to make ends meet until I was able to figure it out. He deserved to be able to come into a loving situation, not in a situation where I was confused or because of a lie.”