
They just do this to act like they are supporting. I wore my Charlton Heston shirt yesterday and I don’t own a gun.

Amen, what’s to know? Wealthy computer employees and the rest are even more weird.

Howard Stern is peddling bar shirt for Father’s Day.

I read that Ebay is funding Nick Denton’s appeal.

I don’t remember Tomato Face. It sounds like Tomato left quite the impression.

There is no Board Members Memberships data available.

This is a horrible story. There are responsible gun owners. This clown, however, was not one of them.

Wolf, who is a lesbian, wrote on Facebook Friday after the prom. “The principal threatened she would get the cops. What an experience. Lol they can’t take my pride.”

I would like to slap that grin right off her face. I can't believe she can stand by her man. What a puke!

Why did you throw the person who sent you the message under the bus. Now you look like a couple of 8th graders who can't be quiet.

Kendra is a pig.

Can't we have a thread without mentioning Trump?

You are also dishonest. I have a medical degree and I know first hand you don't have time to be on jezebel when you are in medical school. Nice try.

Wow, if there is ever a reason to be pro-choice, it is after reading comments on here. Most of these women/girls should never have children. They shouldn’t even have pets let alone a person down the road. There are some sick and twisted individuals on here. It isn’t snark they are sick in the head.

1) I never said I wasn’t pro-choice 2) Your article is from UC SanFrancisco—huge liberals and it is only one article that says this; published on PLOS ONE (read up on PLOS ONE) 3) Your article is for only 3 years after their abortion 4) I said some women will have regrets. I will say the regrets come down the road—way

so cute

“Having a baby is expensive. It’s the most costly health event families are likely to experience during their childbearing years. On average, U.S. hospital deliveries cost $3,500 per stay, according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project. Add in prenatal,

Thanks for sharing the story about your friend. It would be interesting to hear how your friend feels about having the baby adopted in 10 to 15 years.

See now people have to turn in to assholes. Can’t have a civil conversation. But I’m sure you have raised your kids to “be kind”. So you fuck off!