trolldolly… Read this mean and hateful person. You are not supporting women by saying if you had an abortion and you have regrets you are wrong just because you didn’t have any regrets. You are dumb to think that everyone must feel like you and only a small percentage doesn’t feel like YOU.

I’m with you clam jam. If someone wants an abortion, I’m not stopping them. However, I think there are more with regrets than what some are stating on here. It may take years for regret and many times it when they become pregnant and want the child. Self guilt, I had an abortion will my child be autistic. I don’t

It is just a name, nothing else. I thought it was funny, I’m really not a Troll. I didn’t say make them illegal, just sharing that people do regret them. Check out Project Rachel. I also like hearing other perspectives like SheeshTheseNames said.

I agree with your statement. I haven’t heard of anyone saying, “High five me, I just had an abortion!”

Investigative reporting shows are also skewed in a social directions at times based on their own opinions about abortions. The pregnancy centers aren’t all shams and have helped some. And unless you are living under a rock, some people do regret abortions. It isn’t just a random person on the internet saying that.

How many people who are commenting about these crisis centers have actually been to one? They are just believing what is posted on Jezebel for their source. I haven’t been to one, but I have talked to many who are trying to calculate the day their child would have been born and always remember the date they had their

Basic criteria for me —I wouldn’t have sex with someone who couldn’t help put food on the table or just walk away.

I like the clear head comment, so true. If you have an unplanned pregnancy, having a clear head is hard with or without talking to anyone.

I thought the same thing. They also need to offer counseling services for the ones who need it after their abortion because they did view it as a life and 10 years later are now messed up—their suffering is now beginning. Not looking for an argument. Just sharing my opinion.

You said you thought Prince was cool and a vegan and wasn’t obnoxious about it. I just said he had a drug problem and wasn’t obnoxious about that either. He talked about being a vegan and Jehovah’s Witness, not about being a drug abuser. So to me, he isn’t as cool as he used to be.

Prince also had drug problems. He wasn’t obnoxious about it either.