
The Raven looks looks really awful from any distance, the highlight details are too hard to see.

Shouldn't this be NYFG?

Is this the birth of a "Pete Prisco is a Choad" recurring feature?

Correct! We would also have accepted:


Temple Grandin?


If this would have only come out last year, it could have been called "The Crennelator."

I would make a motion that henceforth Crazy Old Man Autopilot be referred to by the acronym COMA.

Blur offense? Meh. the Oasis offense is ballsier.

Smithers! Get me Patrick Bateman's non-union British equivalent!

So, Jerry Jones is on his deathbed. Assuming whatever is killing him is not dementia-inducing, what flashes through his mind as he slips from this mortal coil?

oooh kaaay.

@ChrisWarcraft? I thought you were mellow, man!

The Internetz, today they are yours

The UI that comes on cable boxes from TWC is very slow and unresponsive. Painfully slow.

I am sooooo happy for this. The navigating UI for my TWC box sucks BALLS!

TMNT Show: Fucking retarded.