
Yep, you really stuck it to those Righties.  I’m sure they read Kotaku.

Me, if you so much as threaten my cats:

Did Amo’s husband shit on her bed? This is important information for me to decide how much I care about any upcoming trial.

It looks like she’s being accused because she’s a pretty woman.

Why did she give any money back to the little whiny baby? I’ve played plenty of poker, and sometimes you play poorly and still win. That’s poker.

Him throwing a big ass tantrum and accusing her of cheating would have made me just shit talk him and take advantage of his tilt.

Or start everybody in the tutorial area, but have a nice, obvious door off to the side that lets you skip the section. Hell, have some smarmy NPC call you a big shot for skipping the dungeon. “Oh, think you’re good enough to go out into the world already? Well, I won’t stop you.”

I mean, don’t put your tutorial in a pit next time?

Or, if you want to embrace the Souls humor, put an item on the edge of the pit and when people pick it up have the ground crumble away and knock them down into the tutorial pit. That way on ng+ you’ll know about it and can just ignore the item and walk outside if

The “key bump” of cocaine is so weirdly specific that at the very least he seems pretty familiar with it 

I’m at 60, discovered tons of crap, but have only bothered to take down the first two mains. I’m having too much fun just exploring and discovering all the weird shit!

The thing about Spicer is that pretty much everyone who came after him made him look like a better person.

I’m torn (well, not really, but kinda). On the one hand, no one, male or female, should be subjected to this kind of garbage at their job. On the other hand, most of these people had plenty of options, being clear little darlings of the Republican party. If you CHOOSE to go to work at what’s essentially Mordor, do you

Trump is the poster boy of small dick energy.

“That’s...really something! Good for you for...sticking with it, I guess.”

Wasn’t it always White Boy Summer?

Anti-vaxxers, the modern plague rats.

I figure a lot of the normal people are still avoiding it, so the folks showing up to Disney World are disproportionately the entitled jerkasses. 

isn’t it kinda bullshit that when a little guy loses his shirt in the stock market and hedge funds rake in the money, nobody bats an eye but if you reverse that situation everyone goes bananas?

They complain just as much as anybody else. The problem is that the government actively suppresses stuff that threatens its power and only lets the inconsequential stuff get through.

I’m Chinese myself, and... yeah, it’s kind of obnoxious, but I’m also kind of numb to China pitching a bitch about everything. This seems like a really petty thing comparatively.

I want to send a bottle of the booze of their choice to every person who got on Zoom to rip these fuckers apart.

I’ll bet money that they only considered doing this because they thought no one was paying attention and they wouldn’t get any backlash for it. Idk how savvy members of the Board of Canvassers are but