
Sniveling nerd ^^

^^ Butthole response

Why do the insurance policies cover his personal, criminal conduct which obviously was WAY outside the scope of his official duties as a movie producer?

No, many people do not. It’s also not a well-known concept among most ordinary people.  

Rich enough to blow hundreds of dollars on gel, anyhow.

Vape pens and bourbon.  Gonna be a looong 2 weeks. 


Nonsensical response. Jez may be a female-centric website but they’re still journalists with an ethical duty to report news in context. But apparently you’re ok with promoting an incomplete, misleading narrative?

I’ve not heard “shitting up” before, but I’m a big fan now.

Uhh.. she’s already a senator though. If she won the nomination it could preclude the very thing you seek!

Lol it didn’t even occur to me that Morty could be vacuumed. He and I are bros so why try?

Eh... it was not clearly written.  Don’t beat yourself up.

Can none of you people spell basic words correctly??

You overthink things too much.  The Switch is fun and convenient.  And it’s the only way to access many Nintendo-exclusive titles which many of us love.

Rethink your life, you Negative Nancy!

^^ Anyone care what this buzzkill has to say?  Didn’t think so!

Maybe she’s just been busy the last couple years?  I recall reading that she’s been dealing with some kind of rare illness... plus didn’t she get married and have a child recently?

I think it has to do with interstate commerce... that is, whether the business has a measurable effect on it. I don’t recall from law school exactly how the courts measure that impact, but I remember learning that our civil rights laws make it VERY difficult to maintain a discriminatory for-profit business.

Yep. “False light invasion of privacy” is a recognized tort in some jurisdictions.

Someone certainly should have.