
“Hopefully, all the media coverage of these incidents teaches the airlines a lesson and helps change their rules for the better. But until then, you don’t get to refuse flight crew, you don’t get to do whatever you like because you’re “a paying customer, dammit,” and you don’t get to break rules (even if they seem

Agreed! Oh well, I’m sure plenty of other opportunities will come along to work that in.

What does your father predict about the stock market once Trump gets impeached? (Asking for a friend...)

Lots of things have been in use since the 14th century, e.g., slavery and the subjugation of women. The antiquity of a practice shouldn’t be used as its justification in the modern world.


No it’s not. Nor will it ever be, standard. You’re just making shit confusing.

Shut up, nerd

How mature. Reacting to an arguably valid observation by cursing and attempting to silence “them.”

This is the correct analysis.

“Widely considered correct” by a small subset of angry internet activists. I’m about as progressive as they come, but reading “they” in the context of this article was confusing as all hell. Singular and plural nouns are distinguished from one another for a reason! Quit rocking the boat just for the sake of being

How is “they” a correct pronoun? It’s plural for chrissakes.

I’m triggered by this stupid, cliche response to a valid critique.

This “they” pronoun shit is fucking ludicrously stupid. Why heed this guy’s preference even in the context of accusing “them” of rape? I’m appalled.

Good show, Gizmodo. Lock him up!!!

I’ll allow it.

A rather weak joke, but I applaud any attempt of shaming and denigrating the Browns.


Have fun being the worst team in football another year, Brownie.

You call that trolling? Puh-lease

Pretty sure your junk HAS to look like raw hamburger meat in order to be part of the good ol’ boy club at Fox News.