
The preferred term is snowflake

Unfair comparison IMO. “Esq.” is a very common suffix for lawyers. There are plenty of circumstances where it’s convenient (even necessary) to use Esq. rather than spell out “attorney at law.”

I’m glad someone brought this up. Judging by Facebook, I’m friends with like 300 CEOs. Rubbing elbows with the big wigs over here!

One would think that the act of carrying out the beating would supersede and nullify the terroristic threat charge. Leave it to Pittsburgh to shit the bed - even in law enforcement.

Sadly, this happened in Pittsburgh...but I made a similar joke before reading this.

Ah, I see. My initial thought was that it would seem to be in our country’s best interest to have a voice of reason in the White House, but upon further reflection, I agree this was for the best. They would just absorb any competence he has (like the Borg) and use it for their own nefarious purposes.

Dibs on “mammophant” as a new band name

How is this fortuitous? (Not trying to be snarky...I don’t understand the gist of your first sentence).

“his chief-of-staff is the red-faced Breitbart hero Steve Bannon” 

As a REAL independent tinsmith, I take great umbrage at this chicanery.



It’s embarrassing though

God damnit... never gonna get that out my head now.


My mistake!

He was probably imagining Lawrence Fishburne when he said that. Easy mistake, right? Names are very similar.

Well, that depends. How many black wrestlers are there in WWE?


Same joke