Glad we’re in agreement, fatty
Glad we’re in agreement, fatty
Glad you’re coming around.
Well said.
God damnit fool, no one’s saying you don’t have the literal constitutional right to speak your mind regardless of whether you vote or not. We’re saying it’s douchey as hell to abstain from the voting process and then sanctimoniously bitch about the results when the election’s over with.
[Insert cliche argument about smugness or arrogance]. This is a red herring argument. The right wing is the cockiest, most arrogant bunch of fuck-tards out there, but the left gets all the flack if they follow suit.
Are you implying that anyone who opposes Trump is not an “actual American?” Because if so, that’s horse shit.
For the record, I’m a straight white man in a swing state, and I sure as fuck feel this in my bones. I would’ve worn a white paintsuit today if I hadn’t voted absentee. #HRC2016
That windbreaker.... I hope that guy gets struck by lightning in the ballsack.
Not to parse words, but these people have NEVER been legitimate. They’re merely bigoted blowhards who occupy a thin gray area in between traitors and anarchists. May they get thoroughly schlonged.
But for the record, I miss Gawker too.
“the second time i have ran into deadspin in political arguments this afternoon...”
That was embarrassing for you.
Yeah but it never hurts to try. Some people just need constant reminders not to be racist and parochial. (Being serious here).
My long-winded response in 3-2-1...
How is calling Hillary “likable enough” either sexist or a stereotype?? I’ve been wondering that for close to a decade.
Trump’s apparent disdain for dogs always reminds me of the Iliad and the Odyssey. Apparently to die is to be like a dog, also.
It’s gonna take 2-3 bottles to soothe this guy’s nerves come tomorrow evening.