

I felt really guilty voting for the bear who ate the monkey but deep down I knew it was the right choice.... It’s like picking Adrian Peterson 1st overall in fantasy.

Donger dings dickhead, declared delightful.

I’ve told you a million times not to exaggerate...

It’s not that hard. You just have to be funny.

Jabroni is #10

Ordinarily I would never advocate striking a child yet here we are.

You have the sense of humor of a fucking IT department

“Act like you’ve been there before”

Oh, but when I pour a drink all over a server I get fired from my job. Fucking IT department is no fun.

I guess you could say that the death line-up’s play on the court in Game 7 was

Giants over Patriots to ruin their perfect season.

That second free throw was his Jordan flu game moment.

Well, suddenly, I take these two gentlemen less seriously as sports intellectuals.

So much dust. So much goddamn dust.


This is a marked improvement for Philadelphia’s QB situation as Mark Sanchez would have been caught in the bathroom with a high schooler and Sam Bradford would have torn his ACL trying to break out.

Thanks to universal health care in Canada, however, the goose is fine. The Eagle, on the other hand, is a low-wage-earning diabetic that can’t get time off from work when her kids are sick. So, you know, call it a tie.