I also saw my future wife but that’s a different article altogether
I also saw my future wife but that’s a different article altogether
At least Dilfer threw a TD in his Super Bowl. And no picks.
oh noes an athlete had a normal human reaction to a heartbreaking loss
You have a supervisor for racism in your office?
Can I hang this is my racist supervisor’s office?
In fact, I became actively annoyed that CBS kept trying to push the storybook angle on me. The fuck does Peyton Manning need MORE adulation for?
So he kisses Papa John and gives a shout out to Budweiser, I am surprised he did not get carried to the stage by a fleet of Nationwide agents.
I totally had to Google this one, though. I’m just repeating what the internets tell me, so I really can’t take any credit.
And yet white assholes still want to be on that “All Lives Matter” bullshit. Good lord.
Person1: “I hate black people.”
Person2: “But why are you racist tho?”
Michigan apparently has a form of indeterminate sentencing where the legislature sets a maximum sentence and a judge sets a minimum sentence. When the convicted person reaches the minimum sentence he’s allowed to go in front of a parole board to ask for release on parole, but must serve at least the minimum.
I think the article here does a pretty good job of explaining, even without clicking through to the links.
Did you read this article? Because this is in there:
Wow, this whole thing makes me sick to my stomach. I’m so incredibly grateful for this absolutely righteous judge, but when I think about how many more of these guys are out there acting with impunity...it’s totally beyond frightening.
Like.... how? Did he give examples of how they would acknowledge that on a kids show? Were there kids in the audience when he asked that?
The report claimed that the team released him in November because of “a combination of issues,” including “signs of mental instability.”
That and everytime I refresh the page on mobile, the article jumps up and down half a page while ads load and deload. Anything kinja is unreadable on chrome without adblock on android.
Authorities found out about the “Up R Bowel” sign after receiving numerous calls from confused fans asking if the game had been moved to O.co Coliseum.