
When you finish the game, the people you rescue all complain because the rescue didn’t occur exactly as they perceived it would.

Kotaku recently reported on The Witness, I believe, and in the process wrote a statement by a certain developer who said that their first sign that a game they made hit a piracy site is a dip in sales. I'd look up the exact article but that would require more work than you put into your opinions.

Not sure how they plan to measure the results. There’s no baseline. The games being released in 2016 have never been pirated or sold before. They might sell better or worse than games released in previous years but, given that they are completely different games, that doesn’t really tell us anything.

Video games are an experience, like festivals, concerts, art galleries, restaurants etc etc. And the ticket for admission for these experiences is the price tag. You don’t get to go to any of those things and, for example, sit through 3/4 the concert before going back to the ticket counter and saying “yeah I feel this

Why are you owed video games?

DRM didn’t exist, but there most definitely was anti-piracy software back then!

But that’s good isn’t it? People who don’t pay for games shouldn’t be playing them anyhow. In this day and age of free and dirt cheap gaming, pirates really don’t have any excuses anymore. There is more than enough free games now to keep anyone busy.

Counterpoint: dont mess with someones brand new console before theyve had a chance to use it.


Now playing

That’s your pick for the first viral video? Really?

Actually Agnosticism has nothing to do with the supernatural. Agnosticism is about knowledge, gnostic(to know), agnostic(not knowing), theist(belief) and atheist(non-belief). There are 4 combinations, Gnostic Atheist(knows no god(s) exist), Agnostic Atheist(doesn’t know but doesn’t believe, Gnostic Theist(knows god

You’re both pretty close. The best explanation I’ve heard is something like this: It’s possible the Easter Bunny is real and somehow some great conspiracy is underway to mask his existence, in so much as I can’t claim to really “know” anything for certain, yet it is still reasonable to say “I don’t believe in the

Atheism isn’t “I don’t believe in a god or gods,” it’s “I believe there is no god”

right, but the burden of proof isn’t on the disbeliever, it’s on the person making the unbelievable claims. If I told you I could jump 25 feet in the air, and you didn’t believe me, it wouldn’t be your job to prove that I can’t.

No surprises to me. We’ve got the confrontational “No, you’re an idiot” kind like Dawkins and then we’ve got “No, I know this is going to be an intellectual Vietnam with you so I really don’t want to talk about it” kind like me.

This. The ones that are out there and are making money, good for them. They’re doing something that’s working and giving them some form of income. The ones who aren’t making money off YouTube? I’m sorry, go be a productive part of society doing something else. I’m sorry you weren’t in the right place at the right time

The amount of butthurt and jelly from you people directed at the handful of individuals who figured out and got lucky enough to make a boat load of money without having to live through the hellish nature of a 9-5 job with a dipshit boss is hilarious. Like, I have zero interest in PDP’s videos and don’t watch any

“YouTubers do need to make their money”