
“Do you play video games?” is not the wrong question to ask, regardless of who you’re talking to. Lots of guys don’t play games either. Not sure how it’s any different to assume all dudes are “gamers” by default.

Kinda hurts my brain a bit how in one article, we’re condemning the internet hate machine, the bullying, the which-hunts, mob mentality, etc. etc., but it’s right next to article encouraging people to sh*t on JonTron for not being in perfect alignment with the political leanings of the site and it’s average readers.

For such a "terrible" and "overrated" game, they sure appeared to have a good time playing it again. And isn't that what games are supposed to be about?

honestly, if this kid works for a software company, he should be more than aware of the legitimate reasons a company might not address a reported bug immediatly. He more than deserved the repercussions.

I've never seen it stated anywhere that Japanese culture is supposed to be a major component of the site, and honestly the Japan obsession kinda ruins this site (and others) for me sometimes. It would be nice to be able to just enjoy games blogs without having to have anime shoved down my throat.

Just because it's a studio monitor doesn't mean it achieves the design goal of a flat response. I've listened to a fair number of smaller (6" or less) studio monitors and it's not uncommon for them to try to artificially make up for the small driver's lack of low end response (using weird enclosure designs, ports,

I think if your songwriting skills amount to major=happy minor=sad, you're a bad songwriter.

"An action game where you mine the elderly to live forever."

Let me fix that for you:

I think everyone is misunderstanding my point. My point is not that there has to be a distinction between what falls under one term or another, but rather that a person should not expect to be paid for their *hobby* of creating *derivative works*. I love making music, and I'm good at it, and do it all the time- but

This whole image reminds me of Adam Jensen's apartment.


It's not equivalent to piracy, but instead analogous to copyright infringement. You're creating a derivative work without permission of the owner of the IP. Also, there are people out there who claim that people pirating media or creating illegal derivative work leads to eventual sales.

So, the new Thief kinda sucks. Shame, but then, this isn't a feature about AI programming, or level design. It's about art, and the art for the game was great.

I'd say free advertising is royalties enough.

I'm really hoping we can someday return to playing games without wondering who the main character wants to sleep with.

I can't be the only person who thinks dressing up in costumes (I hate the word "cosplay") is not a "profession". I can appreciate the work that goes into the costumes, and there's value in it being a tribute to the original idea to a point- but it's not a job.

I can't be the only one who finds stadium concerts of video game music to be kind of a weird concept. The music wasn't written for that purpose. The dynamics are different, the vocal arrangements are different, etc. compared to music that was written specifically for live. This kind of concert, even if you consider

most people have put 10-20 years into learning how to use 'normal' Windows, which is not at all an intuitive thing (neither is OSX), so this is tedium, frustration, and work

A skill is a skill, whether you think it's source is legit or not.