
When Jobs made that statement (2010), the touchscreen device market barely existed. The original iPad - by far the first widely-used large touchscreen device - had been released only three months before (and was still being derided in the press as merely a 'giant iPhone'). The iPhone was only three years old, the

Gamers are so whiny. Yes, it's in the developers' best interest to keep you happy and satisfied; and it's awesome when they do.

There's not going to be a large breadth of female characters any time soon.

So it's about a poor man's Yelena Fedorova?

I would be completely unable to take someone who referred to unskilled players as 'scrubs' seriously.


Meh, you might think it sucks. But I've been having a blast with the game :D

"I'm very sneaky sir."

Or even better use your old xbox controller to play pc games!

Now playing

After some time wondering why some of these songs sounded so familiar then it finally clicked:

There is no why. They're Irrational.

How about now?

Don't just shoot the messenger. Someone actually wrote that copy.

It's like that scene in The Dark Knight where the guy in the courtroom tries to shoot Harvey Dent, except the gun that doesn't work is grammar.

You can lead a horse to a battery staple, but you can't make it correct.

And why do people called Software 'Apps'? Its a software program.

I wonder if peoples' hatred of series endings has more to do with their unwillingness to confront the end of something they loved (and by proxy, their own mortality) then it does any shortcomings in the game/show/whatever.

Here's a tip: if you're writing what amounts to fan fiction, but would still like to be taken seriously as an author, maybe don't make the first actual bit of content in your book (following the 9 pages of introduction) a scene where two of the main characters gasp and sensuously fondle each other's bare chests.

Am I the only guy who hates people like this? It's like telling people "I didn't like your vision for a game franchise, here's how you vision should have been." They made the game how they wanted it because it was their story, you rewriting their story is nothing more than a dick move in my opinion. If you make a

Am I the only one who didn't have a problem with the ending?