
Most of these are not emulators. Just some Flash crap with screenshots. No he does not. At all. He asks to remember that a human being is on the other end of the criticism, and to temper it appropriately. That's a pretty damned reasonable request and is in no way "whining".

Person writes heartfelt blog article about how much they dislike internet hate.

2014: That Game you like is Sexist.

I think we all know that cons aren't known for being safe and welcoming environments for non-straight, non-white, non-male, non-gender conforming non-anything-but-"normal" people.

I would honestly like to know what cons you've gone to because I've never been to one that wasn't welcoming to everyone. The only thing I

This. Everyone's pointing the finger at YouTube, and there's some validity to that, because they could handle this all a LOT better, but if anyone thinks they're happy about this arrangement, they're delusional. The music industry has pressured them into it big time, and with that, the less invasive but still asshole

The music industry is simply the worst. To maintain their control, they've unleashed a dragon. They have an absolute hegemony on the 'piracy' debate, where we can actually witness people argue that fair use is a bad thing (because they don't realise it's legal), and of course we've seen a shocking ability to lobby so

Thank you. I am sick of seeing the anime art style everywhere. It needs to stop.


Asking this may not end well, but am I the only one here that really despises anime?

In other news, gamers are people, and people are capable of heroic feats. Labeling this person as a 'gamer' in this situation is akin to saying "TV watcher saves cat from tall tree" or "person who likes to watch violent movies sometimes kills man".

Snacktaku needs to do a review on this!

It's definitely the case that not every pirated copy is a lost sale — it's absurd to think that every one of those people would have gone on to buy the game.

I'm sorry but this is a really ridiculous argument.

Much Wii

And as usual, while you may not always agree with Sarkeesian's ideas, they're certainly thought-provoking. If nothing else, relying less on tropes—regardless of what kind they are—can only be a good thing in my books. Hopefully the discussion here about her ideas can remain civil and not be knee-jerk reactions to the

Reverse the cover of the Ico/SotC HD remake: