
Leela: You know, Zapp, someone ought to teach you a lesson.

Anyone who is a true gamer doesn't care which platform a game is released on, it's only the douche posers who beat their chest about which platform is the greatest instead of focusing on what is the most important feature: the actual game itself. I own a ton of consoles & a few gaming rigs & in the end it always comes

Personally, my problem with the "Are games art?" debate is that too many people that rally behind the notion that they ARE art simply point to the Cinematic story-telling and film-like aspects. I feel this is the wrong approach. Simply splicing in Cinematics (or Film) into gameplay, in my mind, does not make the game,

There is a difference between the two agencies. One is a commercial advocate promoting private interests, and uses (and abuses) copyright law to that effect. The other is a non-profit organization who promotes free distrubution of information, with an equally adversarial approach that may (or may not) impede


The dog is me and the goblet is this article on my computer:

The problem is not the term, the problem is the universally shared and advocated belief that feminism is "about equality", when feminists, even when they do their darnest to fight in defense of women with the best of intentions, have never bothered, in the slightest, to do something agains such issues concerning men

"No true scotsman" logical phallacy dictates that feminism can't sin because those who are in the extremes are not "true" feminism, but you have not much weight to hold down to if you, or anyone, can define what feminism really is just to fit their views.

The problem here is this, and I'll try to break it down as much

The problem is Anita is not on our side. She thinks all men do is subjugate women and demean them. Her arguments wrap around and strangle themselves. She contradicts herself and brings up half-facts without proper research. Her arguments also arbitrarily include or exclude things based on how they support her

Is it me, or did he do a really bad job of explaining this? He just sort of vaguely affirms parts of the process without breaking them down. He basically showed us the inside of a gas nozzle and said, "Air sucks up in here, but when fluid goes in there, it shuts it off." That's not explaining anything! I'm not sure I

Reminds me of playing Quantum Conundrum on my Alienware FX-enabled laptop. The key-lights matched the color of the dimension you were in (and they were really bright at max settings) so when you played in a dark room the whole room would change color when you switched dimensions. So cool!

I wish we could all get past the irrational cynicism towards "good graphics". How many games out there actually sell on graphics alone? Games that would otherwise be mediocre if they didn't look good?

Oh thank god, I am looking at the PS4 and Xbone with such a lack of enthusiasm. Help me Steambox, you're my only hope!

Oh, I love this! Did I just seriously bring up political correctness? Seriously? SERIOUSLY?! Gee, considering that's what all of your arguments stem from, I suppose it was inevitable to mention it. :)

What am I representing beyond the opinions of a single person? Should the world change to accommodate me simply because I have an opinion and can complain about it?

I've been playing games since the Atari 2600 days and I've never faced any incidences of prohibitively exclusionary actions from male players. My female coworkers and I often game together (we're even in a guild in Guild Wars 2) and we've never been told "Girls don't play these games so get out" by anyone. Ever. Does

Because this is the corporate world in a nutshell.

"iTunes isn't the worst piece of software in the world (Flash still exists, right?)"