
The problem with that kind of statement is that it devalues the work and effort. Creating entertainment is usually time consuming and requires skill. If there was no return on that creative investment, there would be no motivation to work hard at creating entertainment- so people would stop doing it.

I assume neither of you have been in bands. Small gigs don't pay anything. You don't just wake up one day and say "I think I'll put on a concert" and expect to make any money. Tours often lose more money than they make. Merch is expensive and you have no guarantee you'll make any sales after making the initial

I always assumed gags was filmed in Montreal. Never heard of it happening in Ottawa

Way to miss the point. When those games came out, nobody cared about the characters sex lives. That's not what the games were about. People cared about the game play, people cared about winning, getting to another level, etc., and everything else was secondary. Nobody plays a Mario game for the steamy sex scenes.

I don't understand why someone would specifically look for someone that matches themselves in a game. No matter what you do, some aspect of your life, even if you're the standard "white hetero privileged male", is going to place you in a group that is a minority and not equally represented everywhere. Having a job

I kinda wish we could just go back to not giving a shit who our video game characters want to sleep with.

You're not the only one.

Chrome is only better on iOS if you use Chrome-specific features. If you don't care about things like syncing bookmarks, or minor UI differences, then Chrome is no better than any other so-called "alternative browser". They're all Apple's version of webkit when you get to the bottom of it.

I honestly think that while this is a worthwhile subject to evaluate, Sarkeesian is far from the right person to guide us through it. She clearly has an agenda/bias that overshadows an otherwise useful analysis. On top of that, she presents her opinion as fact, and some of her so-called facts are inaccurate.

I think you're missing the point here. Calling 50% of gamers women is missing the point. That 50% of gamers who are women are not the ones investing in every new console and buying the AAA titles, building gaming PCs, collecting classic games, participating in the industry, becoming devs, etc. Facebook and iPhone

I think it's worth pointing out that we're talking about two different things.

The catch isn't about "why would I spend $60 on a bad game?" it's about taking advantage of things like how you'll justify the high purchase price to yourself even if the game is bad, which causes you to equate cost with value. "I've spent $60, so it must be good." "I'm working up to the good parts." "You just don't

Anything addictive is fun....? I know tons of smokers who hate that they smoke, I think they would disagree with you. I'm sure they can just quit whenever they feel like it.

They didn't have it backwards at all. I work for a game company, and have studied game design- mechanics of some games are built specifically to keep you playing by doing things like balancing and timing rewards in ways that compel you to continue. There are games that make you keep playing because you'll feel bad

Maybe it's not for note taking? Maybe they're taking a course in iOS app making?

+1 for specific platforms becoming irrelevant.

I'm not sure that the fallacy applied to this case. The fallacy claims that the previous purchase (the apps) don't weigh into the decision, but they clearly do. If I didn't like the iPhone or the apps I've already paid for then you'd be right, but this is not the case.

I tried the same with my girlfriend- she's gone through three different phones in the last year and I get her to try different kinds of phones each time (as opposed to allowing my current Apple bias influence her choice), including two Windows phones, but she got annoyed and frustrated with everything but the iPhone.

A big thing that hasn't been addressed is the money invested in accessories, apps or games on their original phone/platform of choice.