
Or be a tactical [dis]advantage if a war broke out. Just saying.

I don't want a normal watch.

Assumption =/= simplification. I disagree with the Gatineau area (note that I live in Gatineau). It's way too close to the parliament buildings and has too many government buildings in it. Canada would not just give those things up. It would become a land dispute, and the border would have to be moved.

We'll have to agree that we disagree on this one. I live right on the border (Gatineau area) and I've spoken to enough people in the area to know that if there's a separation, there are people willing to take up their guns and defend their views, and keep people from crossing borders. I'm not claiming it's the

For one thing, I live in Quebec, so arguably, we'd make more of a fuss about it here. As for other places, I have no idea why there's more fuss about it.

I live in the Gatineau/Hull area. One parent is Quebec French, the other Quebec English. A lot of the people here are bilingual, but there are groups that refuse to speak English as well as groups that refuse to speak French.

... so you're perfectly OK with war, as long as you get your country when it's over? I'd say spending a significant amount of time shooting at each other counts as bad relations.

It's suppressing because you're NOT ALLOWED to use your own language in the way you want. There's no law in Ontario that says you can't have a French sign.

Am I supposed to know every poll conducted? Do you pay attention to every study in every state or province or wherever the hell you live?

It would be difficult for anyone to assume what it would or wouldn't change, but there are places, people and things that exist in Quebec that are of value, that would no longer be part of Canada. Quebec has some decent sized cities, removing them from a country I'm sure would have some kind of economic effect on the

I never suggested that French are to blame, or the only ones doing anything wrong. But it's wrong to deny that some Quebec laws have been put in place that specifically suppress the English language and drive away English speaking people. Ontario and other provinces do not have equivalent laws against the French, or

At this point you're putting words in my mouth. I never said devastated wasteland. I said that a land mass that belongs to a country would, in the suggested situation, no longer belong to that country. Nothing more, nothing less.

Prove me wrong then. Show me some sort of historical document or article that shows that Canada was part of the US. I'm all for being proven wrong.

To be honest, you've lost me a bit. I don't know who Pauline Marois is, and I don't see how my views of Harper or Bush have anything to do with the point I was making.

Wow. I hope you're not being serious. Read some history books. Canada was never part of the US. There's tons of conflict involved in the creation of both countries.

As long as you don't bring your guns with you. =]

I have no idea what you're talking about. Separating would quite literally take a piece of what is Canada away from it.

I'm also talking about non-customer facing jobs. And I don't deny that the discrimination goes both ways.

Your first point sounds exactly like a divorce. It's shitty, and it happens. Quebec and Canada are not a 'couple'. You don't have to believe me, but if it was as simple as you say, it would have happened already. Previous referendums have been very close. If even a few more people really believed what you do, it

It wouldn't go down as simple as that. You can't have a separation without causing a lot of conflict. Maybe war. Disputes over what belongs to Canada and what belongs to Quebec. What about people who travel back and forth between Ontario and Quebec for work or other reasons? What about people who live in Quebec