Trizu2 thinks Spanfeller is a diaper wearing child

I’m actually much more worried about the gameplay myself. As one of those people who very much disliked how Destiny (and 2) handled story, this certainly seems much more involved.

It’s pretty telling that one of their longest sequences in the whole thing was a mobile game competitive match between two e-sports dudes most people wouldn’t have a chance in hell of identifying.

Almost made me do a spit-take. Best way I’ve seen this summed up.

Yeah, The Fallen Order is a seperate game. I totally understand why people thought it was a part of the Battlefront stuff, though, it was really really vague.

No one’s mad. At worst it’s confused amusement. This isn’t people thinking this person is bad.

There’s a bit of “chicken-and-egg” thing. Did the fans slowly start taking it too seriously first, or did GW?

Oh, you mean Multi-Award winning Table Top Game Dungeon World by Adam Koebel with Sage LaTorra on the drums? I second your point, specifically because it takes so much more control away from the DM by limiting the scope of what you can do from “everything” to “these moves”.

Anne is a badass who’s done a lot of work for poc, women, and the lgbtq+ community on Twitch.

She didn’t edit them out of the video, so.

You did a much better job explaining than I. Good work.

It’s essentially a board game you play with yourself. Events are handled by slotting cards into tokens, and many slots only accept cards with certain attributes.

Why did they do that? I can’t think of a reason, and, even though I’m biased, it seems kind towards teenagers, most likely.

Speed doesn’t necessarily need to suffer, as long as the player can compensate for the pulls in either direction. But we totally could have that “epic” drop where everything is on point.  I’m not even a fan, but I’m getting hype about our fan-fic here lol.

I figured that’d be what you’d say, and so I say, cleverly in response:

It is simply the most efficient way to travel.

TFW you’re not sure if a person who replied to you is the same dude you see when you go grocery shopping...

I think what would be better is if the cart surfing was as finicky as it is irl, maybe not as how it maneuvers from cart to cart, but for every 100th cart it has a defective wheel. 

*Literally sitting here squeeing at you responding to my dribble.*

I’m gonna be totally honest here. I’m 27 years old. If I’m going to a grocery store solo, I’mma be cart serfing. Not not because of the LULZ, but because it’s actually an efficient and enjoyable way to move.