Trizu2 thinks Spanfeller is a diaper wearing child

I still like it, but as time has moved on I found it pretty hard to replay last year. Just about every aspect is underbaked, for the controls to the systems to the story to the voice acting. That isn’t to say bad, just really could have used an overhauled combat/stealth mechanic and a lot more polish. Like….a lot more.

Phenomenal game, and Nelson Jr. deserves every award he gets for it. 

I love this game so much. Lots and lots of reactivity, and so many weird branching paths.

The combat/stealth is pretty broken. I went pistol/stealth and it quickly gives you the ability to overwhelm most combat encounters. Really fun, though. 

It’s time to turn up the radio.

What’s the excuse for not having a legitimate bounty system, especially for a live service?

WB seems incompetent at everything they do. They are a media company apparently ran by people who apparently are at terrestrial odds with one another. Any reports over games or movies that I hear from this group are always a whirlwind of reactionary production changes (often post-production) to reshape some IP into

I’m so exhausted of late stage capitalism. When do we get to the part where we put CEOs and shareholders in a guillotine?

Now playing

Is there no other place to watch this than on a twitter toaster?

Ah, found it.

Regardless if it’s *actually* a sequel (like if characters remember stuff from the original and is happening on some sort of weird cyclical timeframe or time travel something batshit like that), Final Fantasy 7's remake trilogy has always been in *conversation* with the original game.

How are you distinguishing between a meme and a merited success at this stage, though? You don’t know what this game’s long term sales are like, it hasn’t been out long enough. It seems like you could make this same argument right after any high profile game launch if you happen to dislike the game.

It’s pretty clearly satirizing Pokémon and the whole “happy animal enslavement/combat” subgenre with legitimate commentary. Someone might not like or agree with it, but satire and social commentary are both valid forms of expression, even in video games.

Nothing about this information makes it necessary to be put in slideshow format.

Nice list! I absolutely love that BoomShoos are ramping up. If I can make a recommendation...

Worth watching a “game movie” playthrough on youtube (where most of the gameplay is cut out, just story / dialogue). 

People are hungry for a first person shooter version of Project Zomboid.

Speaking for myself, the initial trailer was cool and I liked the concept. Wishlisting it is free, and doesn’t mean you have to spend money. Personally it stayed on my wishlist after all the goofy controversies so I could track it easier, even with no plan to buy it.

They charge for yearly expansions (it is NOT a F2p game)

RE5 would be a fun remake because as a coop game, it was a ton of fun. That said, the RE game that really, really, really needs a remake because it’s narratively far more important, it’s far older and was actually an old tank-control RE game is obviously Code Veronica. RE5 can fuck off for a bit, gimme Code Veronica. 

“Their profits are only growing double digit every year, and they only fire all actual developers and creators as SOON as the game is done, but shareholders and executives need their 15th Yacht so bad, why you complain” - Tanzel

Thanks to being a PC/console gamer with Game Pass PC, I don’t even think about $70 games as an option anymore. I just play Xbox-exclusives on Game Pass, look for an interesting indie game, and then when the inevitable sales happen I just scoop stuff up at 25-50% off.