Trizu2 thinks Spanfeller is a diaper wearing child

I’m sorry if this posts twice, Kinja is doing it’s thing, and my formatting may be well off.

It’s the more honest version of the style of “free to play” that isn’t actually free to play.

Congrats on doing the thing! The two most surprising things for me after my first time DMing a game 1.) Just making up some shit instead of having prepped for it was actually pretty great! 2.) I’ve never been more tired in my life than after a 6 hour session.

The “DM as god” bullshit needs to die. It’s at best, assholery, and at worst enabling abusive behaviour.

It’s an actual thing.

There is a very, very good reason people lost their shit over the always online stuff. Being able to retrade games would not have made up for it.

I agree Twitch is guilty as well, and I said as much. It’s just not a “ban them all” thing. They can’t. They’ll have to fix it some other way. I couldn’t begin to imagine what that is, but I also doubt very much Twitch is trying very hard in that aspect.

They’ve tried. I hate sounding like a Twitch apologist (I really do think they throw smaller streamers, and minority streamers, under the bus while allowing streamers with large audiences to get away with murder,) but a single dude working on a thing is way more agile than a corp can be. Plus, it’s his sole focus,

I mean, Twitch literally doesn’t have enough staff to monitor every single one of the tens of thousands of Twitch channels. It’s a problem, but not one they can really fix just by banning people. It’s a culture problem, not a moderation one.

Twitch staff rarely ban accounts themselves, unless a staffer or global mod is in a channel watching. It’s usually streamers themselves or their mod-team, and that only applies to their own channel. Doesn’t stop d-bags from roaming to another channel. Plus, Twitch accounts are free.

Vader was pretty explicitly not asexual. Yes, I know you were trying to make a stupid point, but it was a dumb question to ask while trying to make it.

Yo, this kid’s a fuckin’ idiot, but don’t shit on trade schools. Where I’m from, trade school grads are doing way fuckin’ better than most college grads. We need to get away from the idea that trade schools are for dumb people, they’re not.

I’ve very much given up on learning to parry in any of the soulsborne games. I’ve tried to do a parry focused character in each game, and given up in each game.

I mean, the fight’s pretty trivial now to me as a non-parry-er too. Just learning “Oh, this is Bloodborne” makes Gascoigne go from “WTF how 2 fite” to “ezpzlmnsqz” He’s definitely there to teach lessons, but it seems what lessons you learn are very different, person to person.

He may have been designed that way, but, at least for me personally (And seeing some of the other comments, others as well) it didn’t shape up that way.

Gascoigne was an important tutorial for many things, but I wouldn’t say parry is one of them.

Cuz I don’t like people being dumb?

Except doing that can fuck things up for players who did nothing wrong. It builds even more animosity both towards that player, and towards the DM for punishing that player.

Your mistake was assuming that there wasn’t -already- rule34 of this. I can almost guarantee that there was r34 of this before it’s announcement for 5e.

God do I hate players like that, especially if I’m on the GM side of the screen.