Trizu2 thinks Spanfeller is a diaper wearing child

Wow. This is a...This is a thing...

That’s why I doubt I’ll ever use this feature.

iNcontrol likes Metal, if anyone was wondering after that kinda strange sentance.

They did away with that rule a while ago. IRL is a catch-all for non-gaming streams, but they have creative too, which is artists,musicians, comedians, cooks, programmers, myriad other creative things.

If the internet has taught me anything, it’s 50/50 between eating and fucking.

Thing is, with how things ended, I really don’t see them being able to even do a sequel, and if they did a prequel it would be a whole different thing and in danger of devaluing the origional.

That’s where I am with it. I think both Bastion and Transistor were masterpeices, but nothing about this new game seems worth it to me personally. Still hope it’s successful so they can keep makin’ games though.

Thing is, even as a non-player-but-constant-watcher, I can see Doomfist heing a real good foil to most peoples perception of history. Fact is, dude ain’t wrong. And, more than that, his character is deep. A real good villian for the whateverfaction for overwatch’s play of their view of history.

Depending on where you live, smithing’s actually pretty easy to get into. Many cities are helping the resurgence, and if you live out in the sticks, there’s many resources on-line for building or buying your own gear.

Japanese copyright and trademark laws are, if I am remembering correctly, waaaaaaay more crazy than other places, leading to companies based in Japan to be far more strict, even in places where there might not be a risk for them, and sometimes without legal backing.

I guess I should have been more clear.

SoulsBorne series and Nier would like a word with you.

I mean it’s an individual basis, yeah? Anecdotal, but I’ve definitely seen an increase in productivity from people around me who’re spectrum/adhd when they’re using them, even if they’ve been reluctant to “get into the fad” as it were. Some of those people are close enough that I can see a real improvement to their

People were saying there were health benefits...? The fuck?

Well, except for the people using them for the reasons they became popular for in the first place.

That’s the rub. Most shooters I prefer with M&K, but not CoD : (

Only had it on Xbox. Would have to rebuy it anyway, since I gave my 360 to my little siblings.

It’s going to be very hard for me to resist giving money to Activision for this now.

This made me laugh unreasonably hard.

Killin’ it.