Devolver’s presser was In. Sane.
Devolver’s presser was In. Sane.
I second fluffy space raptors.
I’m with you. It’s just personally not my kind of game.
I would recommend this comment for shade court, but it’s just -slightly- too in it’s way.
At risk of being ostracized for this...
Nah. I’ve never played OW. I don’t like FPS games where characters are so fundamentally different, like OW and TF2.
Also true.
Double post. Stupid Kinja.
I mean, he literally can do those things in canon. They’ve talked about it, just never shown how it happens. That’s why he’s walking everywhere, but just happens to reach a place that people who were SPRINTING from him made it to seconds before.
Entirely fair argument.
Well, logically, you’d probably be caught too, because kids aren’t known for being able to keep a secret. So you’d get the book thrown at you harder.
That clip gave me way more joy than it should have. I may have squealed as soon as it started.
He already got doxxed once, that would have came out then.
Actually, people gave him that money so they could START watching him play video games. He had no interest in streaming until he was urged to by streamers and their viewers.
Can’t edit, mobile, but the “noone goddamn talks to people” bit should include “in strikes, pvp, and patrol. Cuz you don’t need to.”
Absolute horseshit. I played D1 since release. I’ve never gotten to raid, cuz my friends bailed on it, and noone goddamn talks to people. How are you supposed to find a group unless you already have one? Lfg services, which the fans made for D1 because bungie had their heads up their asses.
Came into this article ready to be salty about low Guilty Gear rankings.
“Pretty sure you’ll be 100 percent fine” means like, 97% fine right?
Justice refers to what society deems deserved punishment.