
Seriously if she can somehow have hundreds of people assassinated and not get caught, uh, I’m going to vote for Black Widow then, thanks.

Thinking that Hillary Clinton flies around the world in an invisible jet murdering people kind of makes me want to vote for her even more than I already do.

That’s pretty high-energy for a frail old crone who’s continuously at death’s door with every old lady disease at once. #logic

There’s also a lot of overlap between the two groups because, in the end, they’re all a form of conspiracy theory, and it all comes down to the same cognitive biases being required in order to believe them.

I would be shocked if she could read the memo.

The irony here is so delicious this post could almost be considered Foodspin.

Except any good huckster knows that the best way to defraud the fraudster is to be more fraud-y than they. You want to make sure the election isn’t stolen? Good. Steal harder then.

Fuck James Comey right in his smug eyeball with Anthony Weiner’s cock.

As a bonus you also get Mike Pence.

Right? My brother bangs on and ON on social media about how terrible Hillary Clinton is and I’m like... what is the end game for you here? Of all the options we have, she is by far and away the best choice we have this election e-mail scandal and all (which, by the way has been SO BLOWN out of proportion and I bet

Fuck it all. If this gets someone to switch from Clinton to Trump, who is in the middle a several trials himself, then fuck them. And if I encounter, in real life, one alt-Lefter who wants to make this into a reason for voting for Stein or writing in Bernie, I may just end up in jail on aggravated assault charges.

You’d think after the Clarence Thomas thing, Dems would have learned about appointing Republicans. But, oh no, they have to look like they’re civilized. You can’t be civilized with barbarians.

Seriously, this. There was a time when the whole “team of rivals” thing made sense, but that era has long since passed.

All I’m sayin’ yo.

I’m already looking forward to the impeachment hearings if she wins. This is going to be fun*.

Oh, for fuck’s sake.

Hand to gawd, this guy could portray a walker on The Walking Dead and require no makeup whatsoever.

Humanity - do better.

Be fair. Gotta give him some credit. Duke University is WAY more prestigious than Trump U.

No real pull out strategy?