
Lol, when you see someone use “beta male” non-ironically, you know their opinion is not to be listened to. Back to redpill blogs with you young one.

No babies are killed through abortion. But please, if you see someone killing an actual baby call the cops. Baby: a very young child, especially one newly or recently born. So NOT still inside of its mother, in a uterus, only able to survive because it is attached to another human. Which brings us to bodily autonomy.

This is sickening. I’ve had multiple miscarriages. At four months pregnant that woman needed to see a doctor asap to make sure everything passed so she doesn’t get an infection and die. Miscarriages are hard on the body and very hard emotionally. How can anyone think this behavior and/or treatment is acceptable? It is

There are no babies killed through abortion. What are you talking about? 

It’s odd how surprised and angry men are that they’re becoming undesirable in the eyes of women. Were I male, I’d have long been expecting it.

I keep thinking I’ve heard the worst thing about this situation that I’m going to hear, and they keep hold-my-beering each other.

This is super fucked up. People can and do die during complications from miscarriages in this country, even with medical care, so to just deny care altogether? Man, fuck them.

So they try to prevent teenagers from getting abortions, but they also refuse to provide medical care to pregnant women? Yeah, sounds about right.

Nope, he came forward after the pic went viral. The guy manages a sign shop there, had slow day last Friday so he made up that sign and went down to the local mosque. According to him, he’s a devout Presbyterian, and letting his fellow citizens know they are loved and welcome was a good deed that he felt was required

They were on their way to the Waffle House

Is it weird that this actually renews my faith in humanity a lil bit?

I joined when Reagan was president, served through Clinton’s second term. When I enlisted I was pretty generic Reagan Republican, but the Iraq War (Number One) killed my idealism pretty quick. I volunteered, I served without complaint but I had problems. I spent the bulk of my time quietly involved in the drug war,

It’s a ruse. They just want to find the wish-granter.

Did I say we didn’t? The point is that this election wasn’t some sort of massive rebuke to Clinton or the Democrats.

We ARE addressing the concerns of white working class voters. It’s just that the concerns Trump voters were having weren’t actually “economic anxiety” but more “I want to feel superior to others.” Democrat Presidents are often the rising tide that lifts all boats, but it’s considered not enough because they’re not

I think we should remember a couple of things:

The Enquirer or one of those tabloid trash rags had a cover story about Hils successfully blackmailing the FBI to end their investigation of her emails. It was meant to cause outrage, but my reaction was if she can do that I want her to be dealing with the Putin problem and taking down Isis. That is one tough woman.

Please o please remember that the 2 point difference refers to the popular vote, which is not how we elect the president in this country! He’s about 130 electoral college votes behind her. It’s comforting fact from the perspective of the results of the election, even though his popularity is still absolutely