
They’re registered in Utah.

I appreciate and respect the sentiment, the bravery, and the integrity in taking a stand even in the face of violent opposition.

These maroons are poltroons.

This election has at least made me feel way more intelligent than I used to. Also, more attractive.

I’m not familiar with the specifics of NC law. But, in general, most jurisdictions allow many affirmative defenses against ‘criminal tresspass’. For example, if you see a fire or someone in distress in your neighbor’s property and rush to help or investigate, you cannot be held guilty of trespass. It is not strictly a

Stop, stop, please stop, you might actually dent Malcire’s bubble of denial and delusion and that’s just mean!

And a million miles to the right of Rob Delaney.

Fair point. However it’s a bit of a distinction without difference as the pipeline is championed by the Right and they are the ones with a lengthy track record of trampling both native rights and free speech in the form of the fourth estate. Still fair point, I suppose in those case it’s more stop being provincial

Amy Goodman was a national treasure long before her stellar and necessary reporting on this issue. She and her team do excellent journalism, every day.

I no longer understand the right. Like, they know we can see them, right? Can you stop being so mustache twirling evil for a while? Suppressing voters and media that disagree with you is not how a democracy works. If your policies are so abhorrent thst you can only shore them up with the tactics of fear and silence

With so many powerful politicians who say they are fighting climate change, where are they in this instance? It amazes me the lack of backbone from our elected officials when it comes to standing up for the disadvantaged. Guess we all need to get used to Nestle stealing the good water while the rest of it gets

I can’t wait to wake up and find I was only dreaming about people actively trying to turn the United States into a third-world dictatorship.

Suppression of the free press...

That’s how I read the headline too.

Really weird how Trump will say, in 2 consecutive sentences: “How dare you bring up something that happened way back in 2005?” and“Why aren’t you attacking Bill Clinton for something that happened in 1979?”

Nice of them to guarantee Donald wouldn’t enter the room.

It was making me extremely stabby and I’m NOT preggers.

Can’t that reporter sue him for slander?

Hell, can you imagine if Hillary had done this?

(Slightly) off-topic: thank God that gif of Billy Bush sucking his finger and mouthing “I’m a bad boy” has gone from the carousel at the top of Jezebel’s front page. It was making my morning sickness about 8000% worse than it already is.