
And also raped her.

Hillary’s comeback about having enough stamina to endure the Benghazi hearing/witch trial made me laugh.

They can be considered alive or dead until Janet shows up. Fuck Janet.

Jesus Christ, did those tubby goons all come from the same factory?

“Make America the ‘50s again. At least the 1950's, but we’d prefer earlier.”

Nobody who regularly reads, period, should be wondering.

. . . bring manufacturing back to the United States . . .

She should have resigned long ago because her memory is shot. Does she have amnesia? Or selective memory loss? Must be nice living in that bubble of privilege, where you can exist ignoring reality.

Nicholson - I’d 100% absolutely believe that.

Feldman’s biography said it was on the set of Lucas, and seems to imply that it was between two trailers - like maybe it was a visitor to the set, and not one of the actors on the film? Charlie might have been an adult, but a young adult, then. Martin would have been older.

Those people were already voting for him anyway.

Trump supporters still prefer to call them “Soviets.”

I certainly didn’t do anything to deserve that fucker.

Not Harrison Ford. No no no no no no no no no. Warren Beatty?

If you are a traditional Democratic voter who chooses to vote for Gary Johnson or Jill Stein or just not to vote, because you “don’t trust” Hillary Clinton, please go ahead and consider yourself my mortal enemy.

He’ll make his usual vague, empty promises - “I will end terrorism in America. I will hit them so hard... Believe me!” - and they’ll cheer and say, welp, details, schmetails, that’s good enough for me!

That was the fake Obama. The real Obama hasn’t said a word!

I’m afraid Islamaphobes will give him a bump in the polls because of this. His tough guy act will only incite his supporters. If they think it will give him an edge his ‘shit-snortin’ yokel supporters will grab mom’s old kemo turban and start blowing up shit everywhere.

If the god damned National Review couldn’t reach these people, no one can. Trump supporters don’t read The New Yorker, they read The Blaze.

It can’t be Bryan Singer. Corey Feldman has hinted this abuse started on the set of a movie. He hinted at it being The Lost Boys. Bryan Singer did not have his big breakthrough until 1995 with The Usual Suspects - I know such an ironic title considering he is now a usual suspect in these types of allegations.