
In that case, it deserves no respect whatsoever.

Yup. Because for all we like to say otherwise, we *have* created an culture where the poor are forced into criminality to survive.

I sure don’t assume that. Holtzclaw was caught cuz he was an irritating bastard to even his coworkers- this department shows how deep the corruption and the... cooperation, I guess?.. goes.

What your local Planned Parenthood doesn’t have Coven Tuesdays?

It’s all good. Indiana still sucks. :)

That’s literally all anyone who goes to a Planned Parenthood ever does.

By that logic, every time a woman ovulates, it is an abortion.

Joe Morgan sounds like the kind of guy who would put on a wig and go into a women’s restroom at Target to make sure there are not deviants in there waiting to come after anyone who goes in there.

That’s true, but that’s why punching upward works and punching down doesn’t.

is he a real comedian?

I am reminded of the following...

Exhaustion doesn’t even begin to cover what I am feeling. NOT EVEN CLOSE!!!!!

Cons have been threatening another civil war forever. They threatened FDR with it (and some businessmen and generals in the military tried to organize one), threatened Clinton with it and they definitely went all in on Obama; how many times have they threatened to overthrow the Socialist Muslim in the White House?

Typical libtard. Researching a piece and providing links from reasonable writers as evidence when making points counter to a breitbart article. Still haven’t provided any evidence that jet fuel can melt steel, so I’m undecided on who to vote for. Try harder; you’re at deadspin now. Its bigly.

It looks like he’s cosplaying Fat Elvis in that pic...

Drumpf offered policy specifics for the inner cities: he called for a revitalized Motor City, with “factories everywhere” and “new roads and bridges” as well as “new schools—especially schools.”

Did Kara just insult Voldemort?

I’m mad that Kara didn’t mention that K.Piers ACTUALLY RTed IT