
ah cmon now... i can hold a shit like a champ... I was in the Navy man... sometimes you just gotta hold it... i.e. wearing a fucking FFE while fighting fires down in Main Gen 1... aint no time to shit. Work is OK, and I dont consider that public. Outside of work and home... no fucking way... piss all over the floors,

I honestly don’t get how people stand to wipe. The entire process is cleaner, in terms of having to touch your butt to pull the cheeks apart to stand, then touching your belt/pants, and probably phone, sounds disgusting to me. (FOREVER UNCLEAN!)

It is virtually impossible to wipe your ass while standing. How the hell can you dig that toilet paper in between your manly muscular buttocks far enough to get all the corn and peanut bits out of there while standing. These are precisely the people that smell like they shit themselves, standing next to you on the bus

you think the heathens that read this site dine at restaurants nicer than chillis?

And this is why, as a lady, that I require my gents to give their whole undercarriage a thorough wash in the shower beforehand. Paper is not doing the job, guys. Not even close.

Shitting in public stalls should be illegal. What are you homeless?

It’s funny to me that this is their main argument. “But there’s poop in the bowl! You might touch it!”

Sounds like your ass resembles Ray Lewis’ face.


Explains why the guy above has to shower after wiping. What the fuck people!?!?!

YAAASSS. I really don’t understand the argument that your hand might hit the toilet water if you wipe while sitting down. I’ve been wiping sitting down for nearly 50 years and have not yet once made contact with the toilet water.

your hand is already underneath your ass, you just drop the paper in the toilet like a normal person. WHAT ARE THESE ARGUMENTS EVEN

You don’t touch water or rim when sitting to wipe. This is the criticism that standers most often employ, and yet it’s a totally unfounded critique. No decent human being has touched water while wiping. Broken husks of humans, maybe.

What is wrong with you lunatics? You lean to the side and just lift one butt cheek.