
So thing I love about this movie: if you look at the wikipedia page Tom Hollander is playing George V, Kaiser Wilhelm II and Czar Nicholas II because they were cousins and looked almost exactly alike:

Speaking in a Reddit AMA about his appearance in Stranger Things, Red Ranger Dacre Montgomery revealed that Hasbro has indeed decided to scrap the cast of the 2017 Power Rangers movie and pursue a reboot for the franchise

But think about all the “House <insert name that won’t be around in 1000 years or maybe even by end of season>“ t-shirts we’ll be able to choose from!

Well, fortunately this series will have eliminated GoT’s two major problems, so I have high hopes.

It would be awesome if Kawhi came out and said that one of the reasons he left Toronto was because Drake was too clingy and he just needed some space, man.

Not familiar with her work, but if she’s got a killer voice then by all means. I’m more bothered by the Melissa McCarthy rumors. I just don’t think she has the ability to play the evil and menace that Ursula needs to convey. I haven’t seen “Ma”, but I imagine an Octavia Spencer-type as being a much better fit for that

Oh, does this mean we get another round of Racists and Conservatives boycotting Disney?

They should hang it in their old building, right before they demolish it.

Dwight did with an injured ass what no one else could do healthy: get Ernie fired. He’s the hero we needed.

Just throw a mustache on him. Solves everything.

Better than Fox:  One season, play the episodes out of order, then cancel it.

* Live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender and Cowboy Bebop, The Sandman, and Chronicles of Narnia all looking on with interest *

I look forward to this being the next series Netflix makes 2 seasons of then realizes it’s too expensive then cancels and pisses everyone off.

I love the thought process behind this: “What if, instead of a teenage boy becoming the Rock, it’s...I don’t know, Danny DeVito?” “Brilliant.”

Say whatever you want about it, but it’s kinda great to see Kirsten Stewart look like she’s having fun with a silly thing. Don’t ask me why that brings me joy, but it does.

Yeah, be prepared! We’ll be prepared... for what?

Bring me any and all Chiwetel. That man is one of the best thing onscreen anywhere.

As a pessimistic Wizards fan

They may not have a GM but any Wizard worth their salt believes in their staff. 

I kept going back to the article, thinking I’d missed where it said Margot Robbie was the star.