
There was something to be gained from the Khals: an army. And the Khals are soldiers who live and die by a might-is-right philosophy.

About that ...

part of the reason she went full-on Aegon is because Jon rejected her, though. Sure, her first reaction was about the claim to the throne, but Jon being unwilling to fuck his auntie anymore clearly helped push her over the edge. 

You just ran off a list of people who had either deeply personally wronged her or were actively working to undermine, if not kill her. And then you got to the one million civilians she just killed after a battle was already won and the city surrendered.

Furthermore, how can they have been running this show for eight seasons and still not pronounce the characters’ names correctly?

The last 2 seasons, they’ve been operating without GRRM’s material, and have completely dropped the ball. They are failing to explain motivations (why did Dany lose it and burn the city? The “seeing the red keep” excuse from after the thrones didn’t explain her rage well enough at all), constantly changing the rules

You’re assuming they didn’t.

This right here, Kotaku said it, foreshadowing doesn’t make up for character growth, and Daenerys went from 1 to 100 so fast it gave people whiplash.

“If you thought that turn on Game of Thrones felt rushed, surprising, or like it came out of haven’t been paying attention.”

So, after eight seasons, the theme of the show is basically “bitches be crazy (or victims).”

I’m hoping, someday, maybe in a future release of Alien, it can be added as a bonus feature.

My first question was, ‘Who is supposed to play this?’ Is there someone I am taking a job from?

Oh I would absolutely plunk down the price of admission to see Pennywise Begins.

That scene was so scary because she must have been running with that plate of cookies. Those plates can be hot.

The stuff that really worked was when they’d pan to show the woman moving creepily in the background. Enjoyed seeing that with no stingers.

Goddamit that old woman watching and then walking(?) across fucked me up lol.

Are you watching What we do in the Shadows on FX? Last nights episode featured her and a bunch of other cameos. Weirdo, of course, stole the show.

I thought it was a controversial decision to have Euron Greyjoy pop up out of nowhere and ambush Durant, but I see why they wanted to level the playing field for the rest of the series.

Fucking Giant?

*Tormund Intensify*

As a Coloradan, this is amazing.