
Force ghosts are so light side, the dark side has force zombies. 

“Meesa back!” —Emperor Palpatine

Her adopted last name is Organa, she was born a Skywalker.

You are assuming that “Skywalker” is a name and not, say, something that becomes a title. I can see Luke Skywalker having such an impact that the word “Skywalker” comes to mean something like “Jedi leader.”

If half the movie is just Palps telling Kylo what a moron he is, it’ll be worth the $12.

While I love that Elizabeth Banks is seizing the means of production by becoming a director, one of the reasons is quite sad and hopefully her growing power can implement change. She actually said in an interview she was broadening out because she realize the roles offered to her as an actress would start dwindling at

it’ll be great when she’s all like “well aren’t you a little scamp” and lyanna cuts dany down with a biting remark that makes everyone, davos and tyrion alike, yell out “DAMMMMMN”

That’s at more than the dragon Lyanna may or may not be hiding.

“We’ll call it Bear Island, not Dragon Island, and no one will be the wiser!”

I mean, also two dragons?

Daenerys may have survived Dothraki, “Wise” Masters, sorcerers, witches, slavers, Lannisters, and White Walkers...but there’s no way she’ll survive Lyanna Mormont.

I dunno, I liked the first couple of X-Men movies.

The only valid review of this show:

I knew Caity Lotz could wear the ever-living HELL out of a Supergirl outfit.

That’s Gary in the Flash costume not Ray.

I want LoT to replace SPN as the multi-decadal series on the CW. It’s the only Arrowverse show I still watch.

The surprise of everyone having a tethered was genuinely better for me than the reveal about Adelaide. But widening that scope also made the ending a bit of a mess.

Headline from early 2030:

did they have to yell out “Monopoly!” to make it all official?

I honestly can’t wait for Snow White and the Seven Xenomorphs.