
Leaked photo from the MORBIUS movie.

This is the best fucking news ever.
We get hot sauron, Elves and Humans at their height of power, encounters with full form Maiar and Valar.

My peepee is hard.

Jaime’s line, more than anything, does the most to convince me that Cersei is going to try and ally with the Night King. They’ve been drawing clearer and clearer lines of distinctions between the two, and if Jaime is fighting for living, Cersei is fighting with the dead.

Take your star but also I hate you.

I mean, it seems pretty obvious that it’s made with steel and dragon fire. Sam will figure that out, the dragons provide the fire, and Gendry (who learned to rework Valyrian steel) will provide the forging.

he was super buff from rowing for 4 seasons.

I think if he’s alive he more than likely ends up in Storm’s End to reestablish the Baratheon name, but I think all bets are off.

He’s gotta be sitting on the throne in the end if he’s alive. Would Jon’s sense of honor even let him or the boring blonde girl assume the throne when a Baratheon is alive? Granted Robert killed the last king, Dany’s uncle (grandfather?) but he was lighting everyone on fire.

I don’t even really think about Gendry all that much or have any affection towards him but that shot was fucking hype 

Yeah. I expect Gendry to reforge Ice from Oathkeeper and Widow’s Wale to give us Lightbringer.

So...everyone in that bus is dead, right? I mean, he caught it, but that’s not how physics works.

More like Won’t Smith, amirite?!

“Frozen 2: Journey to Weaseltown!”

Now playing

Alternatively, you could just watch 9 hours of puppies playing here:

Aubrey Plaza is getting mom roles now. I am so fucking old.

I don’t think that’s the point he’s trying to make.

Let that bus full of children drown.  

I disagree- the ghosts drove Olivia and Nell crazy, causing them both to kill themselves.  They seemed pretty malicious up until the last few minutes of the last episode when the creators decided to go for a happy ending which completely betrayed all that had gone before.

Came here expecting a reference to duck fucking. did not leave disappointed. Keep up the good fight.

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