
you’re right, they definitely painted book!Rhaegar and show!Rhaegar very differently. In the book he’s known to love and care for Elia, and their children. It seems like he felt burdened to run away with Lyanna for prophecy related reasons. Whereas on the show they’re making it seem like he went ‘Elia who? Lulz.’ and

is anyone else questioning why Tyrion looked so distraught and was creeping outside when Jon and Dany were getting it on? I thought he sensed their mutual attraction and was on team Jonerys?

show!Cersei was not given the Valonquar prophecy IIRC

Honestly I knew that the Stark Sibs plot was the likely outcome but D&D have a history of writing pointless storylines (for the drama)so I could have seen them holding fast and true to the Arya vs. Sansa thing, despite their arcs coming to the obvious fruition of murdering LF.

why does Gendry have to die? He’s the last Baratheon blood around, and I don’t see him claiming the throne as his at all. If anything I can see Jon or Dany legitimizing him and to that end he can claim the Stormlands (currently lord-less since Renly’s death) as his and propagate House Baratheon into future generations.

No there were definitely expendable Wildlings in their party. Watch ep 5's ending properly, they were behind the heroes, carrying supplies and other stuff.

I honestly am hoping and praying this whole Stark plot is a long con in effect since the three met at the Godswood discussing about Catspaw.

I think Sansa, Arya and Bran are playing LF. He has eyes and ears everywhere and they have to convince him of their internal sisterly discord, teetering on murder. Note Sansa just sent Brienne away the moment LF suggested Brienne could kill Arya to protect Sansa. I would REALLY be disappointed if this is indeed not

voting for JaBroni (although he’s like Jaeherys as you say)

makes me wonder if Ned was ever going to tell Jon his true lineage. When he was sent to the Wall finally, forgoing all titles and identities, I wonder if Ned had thought it would finally be safe to reveal to Jon his true parentage.

Thank you!

THANK you, this was what I was asking!

dude no. I am not taking about the literal true birth of Jon Targaryen first of his name, son of Rhaegar Targaryen, heir to the Throne and Lyanna Stark, daughter of Rickard Stark. The birth that needed to be hidden. We the audience know where he was born.

.. i did not contest that at any point? I’m asking about the baby known publicly as ‘Jon Snow’ that Ned brought home... Did he ever say where he had ‘his secret love child’? You know the lie/facade he took to his grave?

please please tell me Arya and Sansa are not getting played by Baelish please.

Entirely possible he skipped it cos of poor Gilly’s pronounciation of Rhaegar as Ragger, and him not being bothered by some secret wedding in Dorne. Especially with him being pissed about his dismissal and the Maesters’ bullheadedness.

didn’t Jon say Bran saw the Walkers are coming through the Eastwatch by the Sea watch tower? He was visibly at Dragonstone when he said that, and I think the shot of Dany and Drogon hovering over Jon also was at Dragonstone. Bran and co must have sent a raven from Winterfell to Jon.

I was so mad no one online had pointed this out about ‘fewer’yet but yay you! It was so subtly done that I suppose a ton of people can(and did) miss it.

his brother was chilling right there with an army of Dothraki at his side. I’m thinking he’s getting taken a prisoner after they fish him out.

poor Jorah.. wonder how he’ll feel being one upped by a broody Northener.