
I’m going to be completely honest here. War (particularly concentration camps) are one of my academic areas of study. It’s depressing and horrible and occasionally hard to stay engaged with the work.

No surprise in Pence, as he sold whatever was left of his soul to be Trump’s butt boy. I’d just like for once to see someone so virulently pro-life give a fucking shit about what happens to a fetus when it quits being a fetus. A world with clean air and water? Well-funded public education? A world where female,

Your apparently belief that someone deserves respect simply because they are in a position of authority is terrifying. That’s not... sarcasm. I mean when you remind me that people think that way, it’s terrifying. Blind respect for leaders is how atrocities get committed. I’d say that he needs to earn respect through

lol, what do you mean “if” someone did things like this to Obama. Did you just wake up from an 8 year coma?

Obama isn’t a demagogic asshole who cynically uses the worst, most base impulses of people to propel him to power.