
“Authorities now say the fire was not ruled under control until 9pm ET, over two hours after Trump reassured the public that the fire was over.”

I hate it when those industrial paper shredders overheat and catch on fire.

Yes, that sounds about right. I think a thorough investigation of the GOP Congress members pushing this would reveal cushy dealings with corporations likely to benefit from it with those porky contracts. Just like the loudest climate deniers have deals with the Big Oil/Fossil Fuel industry. Follow the money.

I think the uv rads caused the perchlorates to make the ground toxic, if I read it correctly.

Duck Dodgers in the 24th in a half century! This planet isn’t big enough for the two of us!

I could be wrong, but aren’t they “finding” it via measurements of gravitational effects? I don’t think they are actually looking at it just yet.

I’ve never heard anyone from the “left” openly support Sharia Law, specifically where it pertains to our own government (and doesn’t harm someone else). We support their right to practice their religion as far as it doesn’t snake it’s way into our Government. I realize that’s a hard thing to support since Sharia law

It’s weird, but some people like you don’t grasp nuance. Like how not all Muslims agree with rightwing interpreations of Islamic law. And how not all Catholics or even baptists agree with Westboro Baptist’s teachings. It’s almost like there is variation in the interpretation of religions and you shouldn’t lump

Where are you getting that the left thinks Islam is chic? It’s simply that more of the left (outliers on all sides) are able to separate Islam from Shia Law. Painting Islam with the same brush that one is painting Shia Law extremists is the same as painting Christianity with the same brush that one would paint the

New rule: if you keep a blasphemy law on your books, you don’t get to have nuclear weapons.

It is just another religion. It’s just that their zealots actually have a ton of power in both the government and religious spheres of people’s lives. I’m sure there’s quite a few Christian zealots around the west that would at the very least like to fall just short of this kind of behavior but alas, they don’t get

This is why you have a separation of church and state. The same reason that prevents you from putting a stupid nativity scene in the courthouse also prevents stupid shit like this.

“See guys? Trump looks okay when compared to a country that will execute you for speech.”

‘Liberals calling all conservatives Nazis’...

I’ve been called a “libtard” and a slew of other insults for years, way before this election cycle. Sounds like those people need to grow one of those “thick skins” they’re always talking about and stop being a “snowflake” and get out of their “safe spaces”.

That’s the part that stands out to me. Trump supporter finds radio station talking about how terrible the Reich is, and how they should be opposed, and immediately starts defending the Nazi’s. What in the actual fuck?

Is it worrying that Trump supporters can confuse anti-Nazi content with anti-Trump?

You know, for a group that prides itself of being armed badass patriots, they sure to whine a lot.

It’s telling that their knee-jerk reaction to an anti-nazi channel is to angrily oppose it.