I recall reading Google gave up some of those features in order to placate some of the sources they were crawling for pictures. If true, I hope this helps transition your sentiment from “idiocy” to “frustrating”.
I recall reading Google gave up some of those features in order to placate some of the sources they were crawling for pictures. If true, I hope this helps transition your sentiment from “idiocy” to “frustrating”.
“Hello. I am going to recline my chair. I hope you don’t mind.” is a warning that (hopefully) signals honest regret if there is a conflict of interest. The rhetorical question you defend is an unnecessarily confusing presentation intended that is selected in order to make the questioner appear more polite than they…
I don’t recommend anyone ask to recline unless they intend to yield if the other person denies their request. It is super rude to ask with false pretense. Expect you will be denied. Travelers are very petty, entitled, bitter.
I thought “sextortion” was a portmanteau of “sex” and “contortion”. I was sad to learn this was an article about “extortion”. 😢 Happy Friday! 😀
I think the material is called “melamine foam”. I was shocked that both generic and name brands all sell for about 31 cents per sheet. I expected a big markup from Mr. Clean.
I think the material is called “melamine foam”. I was shocked that both generic and name brands all sell for about…
Thank you for the written summary published along with your video content. 👍
The irony of your post hurts. Please seek understanding, as you seek to be understood. I’m cool with gender non-binaries. You and Andi💜 terrify me. 😟
Why would his question lead you to assume he is overestimating the simplicity of the situations? Understanding congressional processes is super-tough. Understanding how clever players intend to use it to their advantage is even more difficult. The best most of us can hope for is stumbling on an insightful article…
I am interested to learn about Home Depot foibles. I’ve only heard good things about the place. (Your point stands regardless.)
Acknowledging the inconsistent messaging is a valid point. Gizmodo/Gawker/whatever is an entity with an agenda and a voice. It chooses authors and editors approve articles.
David, serious question: why don’t you and your readers use Google Calendar to track all your stuff? Is there a barrier or hassle? Is the design out of touch with normal people’s workflow? The opening surprised me. I write to learn more. Also, nice post. Thanks.
NAS for big files and deep archive; Google for files I need often, share or reference on the go.
A connection between brushing and heart attacks isn’t obvious. Save your “X is X” jokes for pieces announcing no-brain connections; for example “cardio workouts reduce heart problems”.
I tried StartPage for about a month. Direct Google queries were consistently and dramatically better. Startpage is good for basic queries, but even non-personal toicps like tech standards were missing key hits. YMMV.
This is not true for all insurance plans.
Sure. What do you do? What do you recommend? I lose hearing about twice a year due to wax buildup. A nurse recommended this method. Recently the Costco lady that evaluates my hearing recommended one drop mineral oil in each year every night to prevent buildup.
(Pardon emphasis. Hope it helps readers stay safe.)
Follow-up from VICE (Good news): https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/vb58jd/airbnb-promises-to-verify-all-7-million-listings-after-vice-report-exposes-scam
Nice article! I found the Vice article last weekend and had to slog through pages and pages of narrative to suss out a summary of the scam and a recommended means to protect myself. Thanks for getting the word out efficiently!