
This is the kind of situation where the kicksss me who lives in my head and is always witty and on top of it would just stare at him and say, “I’m sorry, did you just basically tell me you’d like to fuck your grandmother?” And since this is all in my head, I would then stare at him while I take a drag off my cigarette

Holy crap. I hope you dumped his sorry ass right then and there.

Holy mother of mercy that shit is fucked up.

My boyfriend at the time and I were up at his family cottage. He was doing dishes after a meal, and since he never helped out around the apartment we shared I play-flirted by saying “ooh i like this look on you!”

what the fuck, even??? I’m glad you left.

I think they were implicated in the sex assault accusations she made against her brother because it occurred under their roof. Like the Duggar thing. I think she’s gross as hell, but they might be grosser. We’ll have to wait and see.

There was another article I read about how her biological brother was convicted of child sexual abuse on her adopted brother. Rachel had him taken away from her parents that allowed it to happen and they are bitter at her for holding them accountable for the safety of their adopted children. They are sick fucking

Apparently, one of her family members has been accused of sexually abusing another family member. She would be the person who assumed custody of the family member who claims to have been sexually abused. The court dates are coming up. I have a feeling the family lawyer had some input. Basically, everyone involved

Because by all accounts they don’t seem “loving.” It sounds like they were weirdly religious and that she was raised in somewhat of a cult-like atmosphere. Also, her brother is being accused and prosecuted for sexual abuse of a minor (one of her other brothers) and her parents seem to be blaming her for it. So they

Her break into the country scene, “Merry Go Round”, basically tears apart the glorification of middle America that most country stars base their entire career around so it was pretty cool to see it succeed as much as it has (also, just a really fantastic song on its own right...)

Of the few songs of hers that I’ve heard, I like the fact that even though she sounds very country, her messages are less typically so. This song and “Follow Your Arrow” are like “MYOB and stop judging people,” whereas sometimes I feel like country can be all about performative redneck-ism and being like “country

I think it has to do with social repercussions. If Jimmy’s friends or male co-workers discover that he makes less money than his wife, they could make fun of him and call him “the wife” in the relationship, which emasculates him. Jimmy could tell his friends to fuck off but Jimmy cares about his reputation as a “real

I just don’t get the dudes who are uncomfortable with a woman earning more than them. Like, are they secretly worried that without “providing” financially for a woman, she will have nothing to gain from him? I think that maybe hints at some really deep level of male insecurities in relationships; the belief that women

My husband is too lazy to cheat. If he ever did I’d assume it would be with a shapeshifting unicorn woman with pizza tits and that shits peanut butter cookies, because that’s the only logical scenario that I think would get him to do such a thing. And if that were the extremely unlikely case I’d give him a pass

“one way to help cheat-proof your relationship is to make about the same amount of money as your spouse.”

yeah they really played up the scare factor with that graph scaling. my god.

Or we could start moving away from the idea that cheating is the worst thing that can happen to a marriage ever and is the only thing that matters when measuring relationships. Personally I’d be more interested to see a study that measures the happiness/contentment of a marriage with an income disparity.

Seems to me there’s an easy and obvious solution. Make more money than your husband but tell him you make around the same. Then, every day, leave an envelope stuffed with 20’s on your front porch just before he gets home.

What an incredible chart that is. Marriage is anachronistic legacy of oppre...

I completely agree, I’ve never understood all the Stannis fans. Stannis is absolutely insane, he is nothing more than a becrazed fanatic. Plus he has failed in the most kingly duty of all which is to prevent future chaos by producing a strong and worthy heir. Wimpy Shireen couldn’t rule an Ant farm, let alone a